THEY’RE AT IT AGAIN! School District Promoting Leftist Parents in YouTube Highlights
It was said that Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism was the desperate flailing of a conservative America that had already lost culturally to the communists.
Today we see similarly desperate attempts by leftists in public school administrations to control the narrative against a conservative insurgency — an insurgency spawned by parents simply turning their eyes and looking at what these schools are doing.
We recently told you about Keller ISD’s attempt to control the narrative by editing applause out of school board meeting videos so that online viewers would lack an accurate perception as to the popularity of the views being expressed at the board meetings.
Next door, in Carroll ISD (Southlake, TX) the leftists are so overwhelmed by conservative parents and getting blown out in elections 70-30, they have resorted to calling in air strikes from the fake news media. The Dallas Morning News ran an article that appears to be completely fake.
A little digging shows that the anti-racist book was tangential to the series of events, and that the teacher was reprimanded for bullying a student for disagreeing with the book!
A completely fake story created by “outside forces” to try and meet the insatiable demand that liberals have for racist conservatives — a commodity in such short supply that it has to be manufactured out of whole cloth.
Now, another school district in the area, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, has been caught trying to covertly control the narrative using YouTube to promote certain speakers in their board meetings.
The purpose of the “key moments” feature is to increase views of those specific moments. GCISD has started using this key moments feature and has curiously decided that 88% of the speakers to be featured will be leftists.
All the featured speakers, save one, are, what we call at our Current Revolt – South Padre Island HQ, yellow-bellied liberal scum.
These highlights are hand-selected, and all the conservatives somehow missed the highlight reel?
GCISD is the same district where a principal was recently fired for posting this picture on social media, saying he’s “finna fill yo kids up with CRT.”
Oh no, wait. That’s not why.
He was deleting CRT evangelism in his emails and calling everyone a racist.
The photo thing was another mainstream media hoax, just like NBC’s teacher-book reprimand hoax
It’s a series of endless fake narratives by the media and by leftist school administrations all to try and regain control of their faltering fiefdoms.
Round Rock ISD had those two guys arrested simply stepping on their narrative.
All of these districts are guilty of CRT and more. They are not used to political pressure. They think they can just lie or squirm out of it.
The leftist’s strategy going forward:
The left cannot debate CRT. It’s too tedious and weird for most of their average foot soliders to navigate. They are also wrong on the issue in that most people think it’s offensive and stupid to say racist white people did everything and to obsess over race generally.
What the left intends to do is to try and take up space and make school boards as boring as possible. When they are engaging and entertaining, more people get involved.
The left’s entire bit about “getting more people involved in our democracy” may have been true at one point. But seriously, who tf sees this and then wants to go vote for this?
They will be trying to make these local government meetings as boring as possible. The school boards will be in on it. Look for them to move around public comment times, they don’t want to reduce the time allowed if they don’t have to (30 min by law is common but all seem to have been allowing more) they would much rather just fill it with boring leftists and hope you stop showing up.
If you’re a leader in a conservative group, don’t let them bore your group to death. You have to keep your people motivated. It has to be fun.