School Subversions Continued – HOUSTON
Last week, Current Revolt told you about FriscoISD teacher and librarian, Nancy Jo Lambert. Best known for being “a white cis queer-bisexual woman, she/her/hers… is a Google Certified Trainer & a HS teacher librarian in FriscoISD at Reedy High School“, she has helped push for diversity and inclusion in FISD.
This week our deeply embedded battalion of secret squirrels have sent us more information. Here is a video taken, heroically, under the very nose of the enemy at Conroe ISD. Just two minutes long, watch it as soon as you get a chance.
That’s Heidi Bardenhagen, teacher at The Woodlands High School. A few choice quotes include:
“When I say the critical theories is where it gets real… because it is.”
“You can do a feminist reading of that tiktok you just watched.”
“We still have the binary of Whites having privilege over blacks.”
She also says that all the rioting we see is caused by Whites having power over blacks, and that just because slavery is over that black people aren’t necessarily free of oppression. (Which is just retarded. Has she seen table 43 of the FBI UCR? They don’t look oppressed to us.)
Do you wake up and ask, “How am I going to oppress blacks today?”

Let’s be clear, this woman hates your White children and is desperately teaching them to hate themselves. She even says so in that video. She tells them to stop studying for a grade and study to understand CRT. She tells this class in particular that they “are hard to read” and she can’t tell if she’s breaking through to them. Probably because this class thinks she’s goofy, weird, and insane. A reminder over 50% of liberal White women have a mental disorder.
But it gets worse. Here is a copy of a page on queer theory from that same unit.
Yeah, let’s just question biology based on retarded and insane ideology. What is woman? What is man? Maybe Diogenes was right after all!
What does “forbidden passion” refer to? Pedophilia, obviously. Bestiality, certainly. Why are they teaching your kids to question their basic biology? Why are they teaching your kids about questioning sexual taboos?
Remember, Sam Hyde was always right.
A parent writes,
Dr. Curtis Null was informed of this by a school board member who I am in contact with and said that “it was taken care of”. What he meant was: I don’t want to do anything about this because I want to cover my back.
Null is the prototypical school administrator. All he cares about is his budget, not bringing the wrath of the teacher’s union on his head, and avoiding bad press. At best, he’s a cowardly bureaucrat. In reality, he’s almost certainly in ideological lockstep with Heidi and is providing cover for her actions and the actions of her comrades.
But, don’t worry Frisco. You aren’t forgotten. Leaving east Texas and returning to the God forsaken hellscape known as DFW, we see this Facebook post.
Amy Jones, true patriot and Hero of the Republic of Texas, tells us that as early as kindergarten your kids are being given books on how to surgically change their sex. That is, how to have a doctor cut their genitals open and leave permanent gaping wounds which leak puss, blood, and feted hairballs. Oddly enough, half the people who get lifechanging gender surgery end up committing suicide shortly after. Nobody knows why. Truly mind boggling.
She also talks about a magazine in her child’s school with five LGBT articles and cross dressing teens on the cover. Apparently, a brave kid in school tore it up and threw it on the cafeteria floor.
Last time we told you “Organize, fight back, and win.” But that isn’t enough. Give these people no peace. Heidi should be constantly asked by parents why she’s pushing anti-White propaganda on children. People like her administrator should never be able to go to a restaurant without parents loudly mocking them. Make no mistake. These people will happily see you fired and bankrupt for opposing them. They approve when BLM stops your car in traffic and beats you for telling them to get out of the road. They hate you.