SHOCK: Texas School to Replace American Teachers w/ Foreign Contractors!
Replacing American teachers with your tax dollars.
As schools in Texas suburbs close due to declining enrollment from collapsing birth rates, school districts like Colony Ridge are doubling in size every few years.
While it’s easy for the State to move funding around with its socialist recapture scheme, Texas is not equipped to move teachers around as efficiently.
In fact, the open border has created a good number of market distortions and resource misallocations. In response, school districts are getting “creative” by trying more of the same (immigration) as the solution! You may be shocked to learn that it’s cheaper to hire a foreigner on a visa than to hire an American, even for public school teachers.
Current Revolt received a tip about a regular meeting of the Midland ISD Board of Trustees where the consent agenda included considering a contract with a company that ships in foreign teachers on special visas to replace American teachers.
During the meeting, MISD said they are 95% staffed, and cited a generic “shortage of teachers across the state” to justify the visa program.
The J-1 exchange visitor teacher program is overseen by the US Department of State and is generally intended for educational and cultural exchange; however, like most of these government exchange programs, there’s a scam.
Lacking even the bare minimum protections of guestworker visa programs, school systems that employ J-1 teachers do not need to seek any type of pre-approval or labor certification from the U.S. Department of Labor. There are no requirements governing how much school systems must pay J-1 teachers, and no limit on the number of teachers recruited through the program. Employers who hire J-1 visa program participants are, in most cases, not required to pay federal FICA taxes (7.65%), providing a strong financial incentive for schools to skip past available, qualified U.S. educators.
There are growing incentives for public schools to not hire Americans.
Certifications? — Not for these visas!
Pay? — how low can you go!
Limit? — As many as you want!
In the MISD board meeting last night, the incentive to hire foreigners to save money was brought up. It is explained how this program will save the district money by hiring foreigners instead of American workers, and because the program is so scalable, and one member expressed concern about possibly having to expand their own internal employees to administer such a program. (58 seconds)
A story from a New Mexico news outlet goes on to mention how J-1 visa teachers are paying money in order to work in American schools.
Hobbs Municipal Schools alone has hired 39 teachers from the Philippines on J-1 “cultural exchange” visas. Lured by recruiters who charge a premium to work in one of more than a dozen New Mexico school districts, foreign teachers each shell out between $5,000 and $15,000 in recruitment fees, plus thousands of dollars in additional costs.
The human trafficking economy is a huge and diversified industry, with many aspects of the operation coming off as legitimate.
Your tax dollars are going towards a company that replaces American teachers with foreigners, who also charges the foreign teachers?
We call that double-dipping.
Why are American teachers having to compete with the entire world for teaching jobs at local Texas schools?
Who exactly is benefiting here?
They want housing? Get busy building the secure internment camps to house them in the middle of nowhere, or make them walk back to Mexico in chains like criminal convicts.
The public schools system needs to be destroyed with extreme prejudice but it won't be since Americans like their "free stuff" too.