IT’S HERE— Greg Abbott Announces Military being Deployed to Inject Everybody
If anyone was still holding on to the belief that Greg Abbott’s haters were being too harsh on the Governor, those doubts were just chopped up, melted down, and injected into a senior citizen after a “vaccine update” press conference on Thursday.
Held near the Texas-Mexico border where an invasion into Texas by random people from all over the world is ongoing, Abbott gave an update on two new programs — Operation Lone Star (which the Lone Star is not talking about Israel, shockingly) and Operation Save Our Seniors.
Unfortunately, the gist of Operation Lone Star and why it was relevant to this press conference seems to be that they are using the Texas military to welcome foreign invaders into Texas, and Abbott would prefer to use the military to inject more old people with a -70F liquid from Pfizer.
Of course, as a covert signal to mega donors, Abbott called the invaders “migrants.” He used to say illegal aliens. “Migrants” is a dog whistle that he is following the directive of the globalists.
Abbott also lamented that most of the poor dear infiltrators “tested positive for covid,” a talking point that serves to reinforce the Democrat narrative. Somehow despite having this extremely deadly disease, they were able to sneak across the border through coyote grasslands or whatever.
Abbott’s evolving tone on the untested gene therapy injections, which have been falsely described as “vaccines,” was the most interesting part.
Abbott, who polled 0% in the recent CPAC Presidential straw poll, gave off a real weird vibe throughout the presser. Perhaps he was dealing with one of the many known vaccine-related side effects such as extremely irrational thinking?
I’m sure the reader remembers the famous Ronald Regean quote:
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Well Gregory Moderna Abbott is coming to help, alright.
The “Save Our Seniors” program is LIVE.
How’s that sound, grandpa?
Abbott said several times his “key focus” is on injecting old people with the non-FDA approved experimental treatment.
The unspoken theme of the press conference a was reiteration of the fact that the old laws and norms have been abolished and we are under Virus Law or “Virus Codes” as I prefer to call it. I prefer the latter because our society is currently run by various forms of decrees rather than any semblance of a “rule of law” as we have come to understand the concept. This is a transitory phase as we move into something much worse.
Even if you take this program at face value and believe exactly everything they say about it, ultimately what we’re talking about is a total war economy devoted to extending the life of 80-year-olds for a theoretical couple of years.
Abbott also said the “inject our seniors plan” was created specifically to reach “home bound” seniors. That is, seniors who just chill at home 24/7/365. Why people at the end of their lives who never leave their homes need this injection is probably a question you aren’t supposed to ask.
Also present was Texas Department of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd.
You may remember this stiff gentleman as the one who told you last July to wear a mask inside your own house.
He kissed Abbott’s ass for a bit and basically promised they are “putting shots in arms” as fast as possible, because old people are more likely to die or something.
Abbott later went on to say that they are dealing with “vaccine hesitancy” and he has no clue why anyone would be hesitant to have a substance injected into their body that hijacks the body’s cells and instructs it to create a synthetic protein to fight against a virus so mild most people don’t even notice it.
They are totally befuddled as to why anyone would be hesitant.
Remember, HB3 — the bill leadership is promoting as the codification of Virus Dictatorship — would deputize random people into the Texas military to remove people from their homes in order to put them in some kind of camp.
According to Abbott in the press conference, Texas is partnering with non-governmental organizations to help “identify and locate” senior citizens (this means funnel your private information). They are especially looking for home bound seniors, which the military will follow up by going “door to door” to pressure home occupants into being injected with the mystery juice.
What a nightmare.
Greg Abbott is totally out of control, and the special interests and big donors continue to line his pockets despite no one actually liking him. What does that tell you?
Just a few months ago Abbott was reiterating that the so-called vaccine was “always going to be voluntary” and now we see a different tone. What could have changed?
Abbott is hated by both parties at this point, so clearly he’s made a choice to quit even pretending to care.
In fact, Current Revolt has obtained leaked emails detailing how Texans for Greg Abbott is now abusing the Republican Party of Texas, shaking them down for every last penny in order to fund only the cronies who are on board with Abbott’s globalist, sellout agenda.
In the emails, the Abbott campaign is revealed to be the only non-booth sponsor to the 2020 Texas GOP convention who sought a refund from the party despite having $40M in their account.

One of Abbott’s top advisors, Dave Carney, can be seen here jumping into the correspondence between the Party and the Abbott campaign and issuing threats laced with obscenity. But honestly, can you really blame him? After all, Abbott’s camapign has paid old Davey pretty well over the years.
So Dave is going to go ahead and run the GOP. Don’t you worry about it, pleb.
And don’t worry Dave, we won’t forget either! We understand you think you’re in charge now.
This is all just more evidence that:
Greg Abbott doesn’t care anymore — at all.
They are going to brutally ram this Virus agenda down our throats.
The tens of millions of dollars that are flooding into Abbott’s account despite him not having an election is prima facie evidence that everything he does is about special interests and nothing for the GOP voters or the people of Texas.
The oppressive system that rules over us is pulling out all the stops to try and pressure everyone to inject themselves with this unnecessary treatment. I don’t fully understand the endgame, but I can tell you this much — I don’t trust it.
This entire virus thing is like some kind of great religious awakening, and this shot is the baptism. It’s real weird and I’m just saying NO.
Allen West, who is apparently the only person willing to speak for us, needs to hop on the line and say it’s racist to target the mostly white rural areas of the state for the shot, or say it’s racist to inject only Hispanics in the border towns. Say it’s like Tuskegee, or whatever. Say it’s Jim Crow to have special privileges for people who are stupid enough to take this untested injection. I don’t care. Say whatever you need to say! We need to stop this program because the program to inject everyone isn’t going to stop itself.
We need to bring back a quote from another Reagan and #justsayno to Demonic Greg Abbott, the shots, the masks, the globalism, ALL OF IT.