Small Town TX: Armed Antifa Guard Drag Queen Grooming Event
Turns out you actually do need an AR-15 to protect open grooming.
Anderson Distillery and Grill located in the small town of Roanoke, Texas went through with their plan to host an all-ages drag queen event on Sunday.
The event took place as planned and images and video quickly circulated across social media showing children looking at male-groomers dressed as clowns, along with armed Antifa guarding the whole event.
Roanoke is a small town on the edge of the DFW Metroplex known for quality restaurants and trying to be normal.
Many people say these types of events attract pedophiles.
Protect TX Kids has a video of a leftist woman whipping out her breasts in public, right in front of her children.
Patriot and Christian field reporters were on the scene to document the event. Several of them actually went undercover.

Antifa was there with weapons.
You can bet that Antifa is salivating over the idea of getting their own left-wing Kyle Rittenhouse — someone who kills an ostensible political enemy in self defense.
It is insane for anyone to bring a rifle to a protest, unless the protest is strictly related to gun rights, which is going to be a pretty narrow thing. (They did this in Texas and we now have improved gun rights.) By having weapons openly displayed, any aggression by anyone on either side suddenly makes the situation extremely dangerous.
The governments closed churches and businesses over the flu and there weren’t armed protests. If there was ever an exception to the firearms at protests rule, you’d think that would be it. But no.
Now understand, leftists are taking up arms because they believe so strongly in doing this to children.
Those in attendance seemed to be almost exclusively white women.
There shouldn’t be protesters or “counter-protesters” for child grooming and sexualizing children because it should be illegal. Cities need to pass ordinances banning this. It shouldn’t be too hard as this event is sexually oriented, and sexually oriented businesses can be regulated.
Cross dressing is sexually oriented and is a sexual deviancy because it deviates from sexual norms, centering around abnormal sexual behaviors.
Read that sentence again and pass the ordinance. Otherwise, what is the plan?
BTW, you should look into how many Roanoke restaurants are subsidized by the City of Roanoke and how unwilling taxpayers are paying for that trash.
You should have photographed the parents and their child victims and posted their mug shots so all could know who their neighbor is and what they might be doing to their child victims. I certainly would cease any friendly relations if I saw my neighbor present there with their child victims. I also would not let my children have any contact with those child victims because of the potential contact with the parent abusers.