Brownsville ISD Preparing K-12 CIot Shots on Campus
In this episode of school board subversions, Brownsville ISD (BISD) launched a quest to give children heart attacks (literally).
Days ago, BISD announced it would hold a clot shot extravaganza, targeting children, who aren’t generally at risk of Covid, with their goal possibly being mass sacrifice for Lam.
A mass vaccination effort by the Brownsville Independent School District took place Wednesday at the Brownsville Event Center.
The drive-through COVID-19 vaccination clinic gave parents the chance to get their young children vaccinated against the virus.
Among those getting their child-size dose of the vaccine was 9-year-old Yukari Esquidel.
While the fourth-grader said she was nervous about the shot, she says she’s thankful.
“Get the little boys and girls the vaccine,” Esquidel said. “We’re going to be happy that we’re not going to get COVID.”
BISD Health Director Alonso Guerrero says about 30 nurses volunteered to administer the shots.
“It was like a little pinch,” sixth-grade student Isabela Garza said. “It was very quick, and I got it because my family all got it, and they want to protect me.”
The district has planned a second drive-thru clinic for kids from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. 13, at Veterans Memorial Early College High school.
Why anyone thinks it’s a good idea is a mystery to most sane people. It’s obvious this will result in more dead children considering they’re more likely to die from vaxxes than Covid.
Even the CDC, one of the least transparent organizations on Earth which approved the murder shots, admitted five year-olds are more likely to die from said shots than Covid, despite the hype.
Many have been asking for this. Pfizer adolescent Risk / benefit calculations based on official CDC data, forwarded to me by an actuary. Please prove these wrong?
— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) July 17, 2021
The truth is that murder shots aren’t about “science” or “health.” They’re purely about ensuring compliance to a tyrannical order that hates you, and wants you either dead or subjugated.
Consider this: your government calls you terrorists for caring about your children’s education and making sure they aren’t raped by a tranny, and they cheered on BLM and Antifa as they torched your communities, but you think they care about you when they force a shot that has a higher chance of killing than saving you?
In reality, your government wants to roll out an even greater surveillance state via vaxx passports, that are easily made into America’s own social credit system. These same politicians are backed by Big Pharma monopolies that froth over endless profits generated by mandatory clot shots, and the debilitating medical issues that come with them. So much, that Pfizer falsifies data, and fires honest employees to further scam the public.
So, what can you do?
Of course, don’t get deadly shots. Your child is safer getting shots from the bar than shots from Pfizer. Besides, in light of a manufactured worker shortage, supply chain destruction, and mass-worker walkouts protesting vaxx mandates, we have the greatest leverage ever in our struggle. If enough workers stand up, their game is finished; force the elites to choose between submission to you the people, or their own destruction.
Also, keep showing up to your school board meetings, especially those in BISD. Don’t just verbally pillory board members over porn in libraries, mandatory white bashing (CRT), and mask mandates, but also why your school board promotes murder shots. Don’t be fazed by attacks you may receive; that means you’re a threat to the system, which is a badge of honor. Remember, with God for us, who can be against us?