Young Republicans Caught Plotting Californication of Texas GOP
A DFW Young Republicans chapter uploaded a livestream where the group workshopped talking points of their plan to get the Republican Party of Texas, the SREC in particular, to join the YR’s promoting the acceptance of the Log Cabin Republicans, a homosexual advocacy group that parrots Republican talking points.
The group invited Texas LCR President Marco Roberts to discuss their plans for subverting the Texas GOP, which included downplaying the issue of homosexuality as merely a question of property rights, and offering a quid pro quo of homosexual support against the transgender agenda in exchange for acceptance within the party.
The introductory speaker frames the purpose of discussion as necessary because “conservatives are losing on all fronts culturally, therefore we should try something different.”
As the agenda slowly takes shape over the course of the hour-long presentation, it becomes clear that the message is this — Republicans should adopt the views of the left on homosexuality, minus the transgender stuff.
Quite the brilliant plan.
I can understand why the homosexual man is promoting the homosexual agenda. That’s something I can wrap my head around. However, if the people on your side start promoting the values of your enemies, you have a serious problem on your hands.
Watch the presentation here:
Some Background
The Log Cabin Republicans started in California 40 years ago as an organization fighting to let homosexuals work in jobs where they have direct access to children. Ronald Reagan of course refused to oppose the group’s aims because “freedom” means homosexuals near your kids, or whatever.
The California GOP has since been destroyed in just a few decades.
In fact, this exact same debate happened in California a decade ago when the Republican Party of California was presented with similar arguments from homosexual promoters. “We are losing and we have to try something different.”
The California Assembly had a 52-28 advantage for Democrats when session began in 2014.
The following year, the California GOP “tried something different” and went full-homo.
Did it lead to electoral gains the party? Of course not. The party barely exists today, sitting at 58-19, losing 9 seats in the 6 years since “trying something different.”
I’ve made this point countless times, it’s usually met with really weak excuses such as ‘the elections in CA are fake.’ Presumably there is no real argument to be made. The results are right there in front of your eyes.
The LCR’s are falsely described as “conservative” or having “conservative” members throughout the presentation. Although many have noted the term “conservative” doesn’t seem to actually mean anything, it certainly should meet a minimum threshold for definition at some level.
If everybody embraced the “values” of the “conservative” LCR group and embraced homosexual relationships in their own lives, the human race would go extinct in just a few years. Their values do not even conserve human existence on this planet.
How Did We Get To This Point?
Flashback to 2014 when the Republican Party of Texas, led by Steve Munisteri, was engulfed in a debate on removing language from the party platform regarding homosexuality. The platform language targeted by the homosexuals stated:
“The practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family. ... Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country's founders and shared by the majority of Texans.”
This was obviously the moral and rational case upon which the opposition to normalizing homosexuality was predicated upon.
I say “was predicated ” because the homos were successful in having the language removed. At the time, Chairman Munisteri showed weakness in the face of the pressure, and today we live with the results of the weak leadership.
Marco claimed that the Texas LCR chapter received an award from the national group for successfully removing the language about God’s eternal truth from the platform. Obviously, they were just getting started.
Imagine having principles so weak that you remove something you claimed was an unchanging truth from your guiding document.
Today, the 2020 platform consists of what feels like begging the power structure not to persecute Christians for opposing homosexuals taking over everything.
What is the Quid Pro Quo?
Throughout the video, I kept hearing talk that “we” can “work together” with this group. It was not explained until later why we should work with this group other than to adhere to an abstract “principle of governance” and “try something new.”
The quid pro quo was not apparent right from beginning as you would expect in such a proposal. Instead we got an elaborate set up about private property, blah blah blah.
LCR is appearing to promise to oppose the Equality Act and related issues like trannies in sports leagues. Their offer is basically “if you accept us, we will deliver you total victory against men in women’s sports.” The assumption is that having token homosexuals will bolster Republican’s arguments, which is pretty cringe and short sighted.
My takeaway is that this presentation is an attempt by the homosexuals to capitalize on a runaway leftist tranny agenda that is freaking a lot of people out. Of course, there is no plan to reverse course. They just want to slow it down and lul conservatives into accepting homosexuals ruling over them as the new normal. Allen West obviously poses a serious problem for this insidious agenda, which Marco acknowledges outright.
It’s never explained how homosexual behavior fits into the conservative agenda, which is why Marco says the Texas chapter has included all these other issues into the mix like immigration, 2nd Amendment, etc. He’s explaining how they are doing a literal magic trick where they want you to watch one hand while the other hand rips you off.
In a similar vein to California example, a recurring question throughout the presentation is something like “is what we are doing as conservatives working?” The question is presented with the assumption built-in that the answer is “no.” But what is really being asked?
Republicans have been running on an anti-LGBT agenda platform with tremendous electoral success. As we have covered on this site before, it’s not just the transgender issue that loses big at the ballot box, it’s homosexuality in general.

There is bipartisan support against this agenda, as evidenced by the HERO ordinance Marco referenced. It was a tranny bathroom bill that lost big in Houston. But remember, most states voted to ban homosexual marriage permanently until the issue was federalized by a rogue supreme Court.
In a general sense, Marco is right that the issue is fundamentally about government power. However what he fails to recognize is the consequences of the collective actions of a people and that an immoral people cannot be free. Immoral people will be ruled over by a tyrannical government, and the people will forge their own chains that bind them up.
Patriot activist Kevin Whitt tells Current Revolt he confronted LCR President Marco Roberts in the summer of 2020 at an RPT Executive Committee meeting. He asked Marco what was their position on Drag Queen Story Hour, inquiring why the LCR had not opposed it publicly. Marco reportedly tried to avoid answering, but when pressed he said the issue was not a priority for the group.
Just as in the beginning, the Log Cabin Republicans seem to exist to defend homosexual’s access to children.
Since the original language in the party platform spoke of unchanging truths in regards to this issue, I wish to make a few comments along these lines.
Satan is the master deceiver, preying on spiritually undeveloped or underdeveloped people (especially young people) to ensnare them in sin and it’s associated negative consequences — confusion and misery.
Likewise, the Log Cabin Republican’s strategy is that of distraction and diversion. It’s clear that they want to frame everything they are doing in the context of private property rights, and throw in all these other issues that all Republicans already agree on, while the goal (which wins awards in the organization) is about breaking down barriers to homosexual acceptance.
Marco makes the argument that simply saying homosexuality goes against God is not going to be sufficient itself to convince enough people going forward. That’s a fair assessment I suppose.
He then wraps his agenda in with that of free speech. I have to say, homosexuality and free speech are completely incompatible. Not only because of the aforementioned link between morality and freedom, but because what we’re talking about is so disgusting and degenerate that people will eventually speak out against it, and people in Marco’s camp will necessarily demand that they be silenced.
The oft-noted, unAmerican “cancel culture.”
If saying the Republican position is based on Biblical truths is insufficient, perhaps we could frame it as this:
Here we have a group of perverts promoting an agenda related to ramming their penises into the fecal matter of other men. The group, which started as an advocacy group of homosexuals wanting access to children, has their political identity attached to the activity of masturbating into other men’s lower intestines, often destroying the functionality of their private parts in the process. They are also riddled with all manner of diseases due to their insatiable promiscuousness.
So if saying it’s against God’s will is insufficient, well, then perhaps we can talk about it in these terms, how does that sound?
Liberty is an alluring and enticing thing to a people who are losing their freedoms. However, this kind of spiritual thoughtlessness invites great danger to the structural foundation of our society, which currently hangs by a thread as it is.
It is a mistake to take the first enticing step toward going where you should not go and doing what you should not do.
It is never explained why homosexuality must be absorbed into the Republican agenda. If the Log Cabin Republicans love freedom and the Republican agenda so much, they are free to support Republicans and their agenda right now. Nothing is stopping them from donating, volunteering and voting. Clearly, it’s not really about any of those things.
The path of least resistance is to embrace the LCR’s. Of course, there will be a cost in opposing this agenda. This is why only people who are spiritually strong are fit for party leadership in these times.
To all the people who support the Log Cabin Republicans and their agenda in general, ask yourself these questions - Why has homosexuality been suppressed in our culture for over a thousands years? Is it because all those people weren’t as enlightened and brilliant as you? Is it possible they understood something you don’t? Perhaps your constant interface with technology has disconnected you from the harsh realities of the natural and spiritual world?
I invite this debate, but I suspect it’s a debate LCR proponents don’t really want to have.
After all, they’re claiming to know better than most of the humans who’ve ever lived on the nature of man and civilization, as well as promising electoral success based on conjecture.
This agenda will destroy the party if allowed to move forward. I advise these homosexuals to support us from the sideline, if they in fact support our agenda at all.
Article originally published on Current Revolt April 28, 2021