Taylor, Texas has been occupied by a demonic sex cult and the town has established what many people are saying is the “Epstein Island of Texas.”
A dear reader informed us about a small and sleepy town 30 minutes outside Austin that is an industry leader in having a bunch of men dress up like clowns, call themselves women, and demand access to your children.
It’s called Taylor Pride. It’s apparently a thing that is officially sponsored by the town.
The city council along with the mayor appear to be all men.
Not sure about y’all, but when I look at this group, I’m just a little…
I just think it’s sort of…
You know what I’m trying to say.
There was a vote to make this child grooming day a government sponsored event. It passed unanimously!
These sick sonsofbitches also chose a pack of ducks for their logo.
You know why they chose a pack of ducks, don’t you?
Ducks do a little pride thing of their own.
This is an all day everyday thing with these people.
At least the ducks take a break from raping and do that migration thing. The guys in this town are just diddling kids year round. Even the mayor gets in on the action.
This Texas town has a population of 15,000 and somehow most of them are child predators — Vampires feeding on their innocence.
What is going on here?
What planet is this?
I can promise you, this dog doesn’t support some of the unspeakable acts by attendees at these events.
This is ostensibly headed by this affluent white female liberal.
She wears a trendy hat and she’s going to talk to your kids about sex.
It’s fine. It’s progress, ya biggit.
There were some patriots opposing the groomer industrial complex opening a factory in Williamson County.
They looked like fine people.
We don’t need to be teaching kids about different sexual holes and how to use them. Children aren’t even supposed to be thinking about sex. This all needs to be very illegal, and if these trendies want to groom kids, they can go to New Mexico and compete with the meth heads for child sex.
I’m just tired of it.
I don’t want kids being taught how to do sex.
I just want my kids to learn real history.
I went to Taylor. Skip to about 1:04:00 for the good stuff.
I think I'll head to Taylor and do an open carry AR15 walk with my Straight Pride shirt on.