Last month, the Huffines Liberty Foundation (HLF) published a paper titled The Cost of Illegal Immigration in Texas which breaks down the economic impact of illegal aliens in Texans.
Their conclusion:
These new arrivals aren’t coming because they love Texas and its history and culture; they are not real refugees or asylum seekers.
They don’t care about our laws or customs (in fact, their first act in the country is a criminal one.)
They don’t even know what the constitution is or why it is (or was) important. They exclusively come because they know they are getting handouts— like, a lot of handouts.
Let’s break down the HLF findings in a Texan versus Illegal Alien matchup!
Round 1: Medical Care
Ah…so if you just get across the border it seems like you’ll get pretty much any healthcare you need for free. I bet that sounds real nice to the average Texan.
So what happens when the day laborer skips out on the bill? The doctors increase their prices, and law-abiding Texans pay to make up the difference. In turn, your insurance company increases your premium to cover the new price increases.
Winner: Illegal Alien
Round 2: Education
The Texas State constitution carries a mandate to provide public education, but it does not stipulate how to provide it. Leftists in education have interpreted that to mean any kid showing up on the school property is entitled to schooling, free meals, and any other handouts given by charitable community members intended for struggling Texan families.
When I sign each of my eight kids up for school each year, I have to fill out a mountain of paperwork confirming I am and my kids are in fact citizens of Texas. How do these illegal aliens evade that? Maybe some savvy school administrator takes care of that one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Winner: Illegal Alien
Round 3: Criminal Justice
Maybe there’s reason parents seem overprotective now. Maybe it’s the fact that with each new illegal alien (or legal immigrant) in your neighborhood, the amount of crime increases significantly.
The HLF summarizes these costs astutely:
It is impossible to determine the costs of these incarcerations because their duration is unknown.
However, if the average length of incarceration of those held in local jails is six months and at TCDJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) correctional facilities is two years, the cost to Texas over the 12-year period would be $6.1 billion.
That doesn’t even account for the social costs of decreasing societal trust and safety.
I’m sure the illegal aliens feel much safer in Texas than in their home countries; especially in counties with Soros DAs letting criminals out of jail faster than they can commit their next crime.
Winner: Illegal Alien
The report from the Huffines Liberty Foundation is very damning of our current policy of infinity immigration from everywhere in the world.
Governor Abbott and his predecessors have done nothing to stem the never-ending influx of illegal aliens (likely out of fear Texas Democrats might call them racists.)
Our current situation has been the Left’s goal for decades. It started when they passed the Hart-Cellar Immigration act of 1965, which radically changed American immigration policy. You should definitely look it up.
So should we do about it? What should we expect our leaders to do?
Maybe it’s time a Representative, Senator, or a Governor from Texas propose we repeal the Hart-Cellar Act and begin retroactively deporting anyone who came in since it’s passage in 1965.
That seems like a reasonable place to start negotiations.
It is being said the flood of single men of military age are a modern-day Trojan Horse. I sense this is true.
We need to bring back prison colonies and exile. Don't really want to pay all these prison fees.