There was a clip floating around a few weeks ago of two devil worshiping witches discussing the potential for an abortion-fetish porno site.

People of all stripes are completely coming unglued from the stresses of the Covid hoax fallout and now being Great Reseted by Brandon — throw people who believe mothers killing their children is a right into the mix, and yeah, things get weird real fast.
Many in these death cults have ramped up efforts recruiting on college campuses. Though pro-choice opinions and advocacy would be more likely to occur at the University of Texas at Austin, it may come as a surprise that the largest conservative leaning university in the country is allowing their student organizations to promote seminars about abortions.
This instructional series borders the line of legality and risks putting these hos in legal danger.
The Texas A&M University College of Medicine recently allowed a chapter of Medical Students for Choice to host a presentation with Dr. April Lockley about how to self-manage medical abortions.

Do you need abortions if you are non-binary?
She looks non-binary.
(That mean ugly, in case you ain’t hip to what the kids are saying.)
This presentation, titled, “Self-Managed Abortion Workshop”, took place over Zoom on Tuesday evening where an audience of 47 people joined in on the call. According to a mass email sent out by the organization, the event would be a place where “Students will learn the various ways individuals self-manage and self-source medication abortion, as well as the impact of increasing telehealth access to abortion services.”
This event was hosted by Dr. April Lockley, and covered topics including the process of performing a medical abortion, while reminding attendees that abortion access is for all, regardless of gender identity, saying that trans men need access to abortion too.
Polls show 20% of Democrats believe men can get pregnant. Folks, this is a cult.
The A&M seminar centralized on the two main drugs used in a medical abortion, mifepristone and misoprostol.
The zoom call discussed the efficacy of these drugs when used to “remove” a pregnancy, what to expect when taking these drugs for an abortion, how late in gestation these drugs can be used, the process of using the drugs to perform the abortion, side effects of the drugs, and signs to know that the drugs were working “properly.” The call also provided resources for Self-Managed Abortion, including, which provides guidance to accessing abortion pills based on the state in which you reside.
The meeting did not cover the hot new “kill, burn, bury” abortion ritual, one becoming especially popular with Midwest women.
The meeting was not only given approval by the University to be put on Medical Students for Choice, but was also sent out in a mass email to University employees and students, and was advertised on the College of Medicine’s website. The University did issue a disclaimer regarding the event, noting that the views did not reflect those of Texas A&M University, the System, or the administration. With that being said, the fact that the event was allowed to continue puts students attending and hosting this event at risk of breaking Texas law, which does not allow medical providers to prescribe the pills discussed in the Zoom meeting to women within the state. Furhtermore, using telehealth to prescribe abortion pills and mailing prescription abortifacients in Texas is illegal.
When asking students prospective on this topic, Grace Howat of Pro- Life Aggies responded to the meeting saying, “What we saw today was a shameful and unnecessary promotion for illegal and unsafe abortions by the Medical Students for Choice organization. Pro-Life Aggies is dedicated to aid women in making safe and life affirming decisions for them and their child. They have resources, such as childcare, financial help, and information for free medical and material care, available for pregnant and parenting students.
Texas A&M has released no further information on this topic, but expect to see more public outcry over this in the weeks to come, as Texas A&M University officials have contacted Young America’s Foundation, who first broke the story, asking them to change their wording, since the administration doesn’t like the claim that they promoted the event.
Why do these schools allow this?
Abortions are sick and gross, and anyone getting one in 2022 is possessed with many demons.
But you don’t need ed to go to college to get this forbidden information — we published a free DIY guide to abortions a year ago.
Blake Martin is a student at Texas A&M and contributed to this article.
The schools allow it because it was mandated by the Texas Legislature via SB18. The student-led organization called Medical Students for Choice are responsible for this horrible, evil training, not the University.
In response to State Representative Briscoe Cain being booed off stage at University of Houston campus, Texas Senate Bill 18 was passed June 10, 2019 by the Texas Legislature. It is a bill “relating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education”. This bill mandates that the “freedom of expression is of critical importance and requires each public institution of higher education to ensure free, robust, and uninhibited debate and deliberations by students enrolled at the institution, regardless of whether the students are on or off campus”. SB18 expressly mandates that any student led organization shall be allowed to utilize “(C) the use of channels of communication controlled by an institution of higher education”.
This headline and article is about as accurate as saying Texas Senate Bill 18 Promotes Illegal Abortion Pill at Texas A&M University!
According to our new law banning abortion, can’t this University sued by anyone?