Nobody is handling the universal adoption of the smart phone very well. Most people are totally addicted to their phones.
If adults can’t handle themselves with this new tech, how do you think kids are handing it?
Add social media on top of that, and what you have is a complete disaster and all sorts of weird behaviors. Young women in particular are suffering in this new society, with 57% of teen girls now reporting feeling persistently sad and hopeless.
Should we wait until the number gets to 100% before the government intervenes? Or would kids be better off without some of this stuff?

Jared Patterson proposed HB 896 in early December which would require social media companies to only allow people 18 years and older to open accounts.
Patterson’s bill would force social media companies to verify a user’s age with a photo ID while also allowing parents to request their child’s accounts be removed from the sites. The social media companies would then have a maximum of 10 days to take down a child’s profile, according to the bill.
However, not all Texas Republican representatives are on board. Rep. Tony Tinderholt posted this on Twitter today.
While we understand his concern, some of us disagree in this case. Social media heavily influences young minds and exposes them to mental pathogens. TikTok, Twitter, and other social media sites host large communities of LGBT activists and personalities who seek to attract and influence children and teenagers. The perceived social pressure from these online communities can and does drag them into the degeneracy and misery of those life styles.
The American Psychology Association will even admit this… as long as its talking about body positivity and obesity acceptance.
Because users tend to follow both people they know personally and people they’ve never met, the app also blurs the boundaries between peers and celebrities, Choukas-Bradley said. That can lead to false social comparison when users contrast their appearance with idealized images (PsyArXiv Preprints, 2021).
The above is what happens to your daughter when she spends too much time on social media.
We need to both restrict social media exposure for minors, and (quickly) put down the rapidly growing pedophile special interest group coming from the left.
Sorry but I have to agree with Tinderholt on this one. Whatever happened to parental responsibility? The parent has the option of NOT BUYING that Android or Iphone for their kids. Computers can also have parental controls installed on them. Sorry but the solution is fairly simple and DOES NOT need a new law/regulation/ordinance etc. Here's another thought as well... GET UR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC INDOCTRINATION CENTERS. Quit asking government to perform your parental obligations for you. No more excuses!