With the 3rd special session of 2023 starting next week, some Republican lawmakers are already beginning to signal that they are completely on board with Greg Abbott’s mysterious “school choice” agenda.
Public education reform, known in the current year as “school choice,” seems to be a totally astroturfed Republican priority pushed by special interests with something to gain. However, our education system is more or less a total disaster, so we’re all just sort of waiting to see what happens.
Democrats say Abbott’s plan is to do racist school vouchers, which will spread white supremacy everywhere. Not sure what that even means, but usually when Democrats talk like that, they are describing policies I like. So who knows? As Dade Phelan said earlier in the year, school choice can mean literally anything.
This guy says school choice means transferring inner city youths to schools in wealthy suburbs.
Whether they do that—who knows. In any case, that’s probably not how Abbott will sell it.
A new narrative that seems to be coming into focus is tying school choice with the phenomenon you see where almost all citizens in Texas are against illegal immigrants, yet they are all forced to pay for their children to be educated in our public schools. Communists cynically point to the US Constitution as if the document was created to justify such a sick humiliation ritual on the people of America. However, nobody ever does anything to stop it.
Well that’s all changing, apparently. Hopefully.
Texas State Senator Drew Springer released a statement about these things and more.
It’s really long, and I don’t feel like posting it because nobody will read it all. You can read it here.
Here’s the gist:
Dear Abbott,
Thank you—you are amazing
Let’s force the Feds pay us for illegal aliens in our schools
Brandon and SCOTUS are mean and they did this
Brandon should pay us $5 billion
Child trafficking is very expensive for us and we need to balance our books
“As you consider issues to add to the call for the upcoming special session, I respectfully ask you to consider adding legislation requiring the federal government to refund Texas for any undocumented child educated in a Texas public school.“
This is a weird bargain that I don’t agree with. It it not enough for the federal government to be shaken down by Abbott for more tax dollars into Austin’s coffers to justify allowing the ongoing invasion. Using this logic, the federal government could just keep paying Austin until 500 million illegals (or more) are crammed into Texas cities.
What sort of deal is this?
Drew Springer did not vote to remove Ken Paxton over a hypothetical kitchen remodel, so he may not be totally lost, it would seem.
We need to talk about why we are told to pay exorbitant taxes for education while also making the education available to anyone on earth, for free. It would be good if the school choice debate included whether we have a choice on paying infinity dollars for lawbreakers to benefit from the fruit of their stolen goods in our public schools.
Changing how we pay for this situation does not make the situation any better. This is not a primarily financial issue to Republican voters. Drew Springer knows this.
Don’t scam me bro.
Whether it comes out of Federal bankroll or State bankroll, it is still out of the citizens’ pockets. We are getting the shaft, no matter what.
Is there a precedent for a state forcing the feds to pay state expenses by passing a state law? The idea sounds like insincere junk, to be honest; something that politicians can stick on a mailer someday to say, "Look, I tried something!"