UPDATED 12/11/21 with statement from Jackie Schlegel below
After seven days of conspiracy theories ranging from Jackie Schlegel being in a romantic relationship with Greg Abbott to rumors that Don Huffines secretly organized the firing of Schlegel, TFVC has finally released an official statement.
Interesting things to note:
TFVC confirms again they did not like the direction Schlegel was taking the organization.
Board Members of the 501c3 (Texans for Vaccine Freedom) and the 501c4 (Texans for Vaccine Choice) claimed they attempted to talk with Schlegel about reversing the current direction of the organization. Schlegel stated they would need to fire both her and her consultant, Matt Langston of Engage Right.
An official meeting was scheduled. An option of a fully paid year of bereavement leave was considered for Schlegel in order to sort her recent personal loss.
The night before said meeting, Schlegel made a transfer of $116,000 (80% of all TFVC Funds) from TFVC to TFVF.
TFVC states this has never been done before and that no required notice was given to staff or the TFVC Board.
The TFVC board held an emergency meeting to reverse the charges and remove Schlegel.
TFVC claims they would have been vulnerable to fraud charges had the transfer not been stopped.
TFVC, under Schlegel, would not call for a fourth special session in order to end vaccine mandates.
The current TFVC Board and staff, after Schlegel was removed, sent emails calling for a fourth special session.
TFVC states that the “new direction” Schlegel was taking the organization included only attacking Democrats who failed to support medical freedom. Republicans were not to be criticized.
They provide an interesting document that seems to back this statement. You can view it here.
TFVC then goes on to link the following image:
Steve Munisteri is the Senior Advisor and Policy Director for Governor Greg Abbott.
We don’t want to go on too much of a tanget here but those who are up-to-date with vaccine mandate happenings here in Texas are well aware that Abbott has been absolutely awful at protecting Texans from having vaccines forced on them by giant corporations. Based on the email conversation it does seem as though Schlegel was heavily praising the meeting despite this.
This praise of Abbott seems counter productive considering companies throughout Texas are still requiring vaccines from their employees or they risk losing their jobs. The Texas Guard (under Abbott’s control) is also still requiring soldiers get vaccinated or face discharge.
TVFC also states the Schlegel “refused to stand up” and post stores of TFVC members who lost their jobs and livelihoods.
This direction seems to come directly from Matt Langston of Engage Right.
TFVC then posts the following email of a conversation between Juliana Peceli of TFVC, Matt Langston of Engage Right, and Jackie Schlegel:
A few troubling things in this email.
Langston is absolutely against attacking big businesses who force vaccines on their employees.
He seems to claim that members who submit stories of the loss of their jobs due to forced vaccines are “a whiny bunch of disgruntled key board warriors.”
Matt Langston seems to be entirely in charge with Jackie Schlegel taking orders from him.
Further evidence that Langston was the one in charge and calling the shots around TFVC is provided by a second email:
TFVC then goes to post another brutal email from Matt Langston to Schlegel where the tone and language being used sounds like a superior talking to a subordinate:
TFVC states the organization was effectively being run by a third party political consultant (Matt Langston of Engage Right).
TFVC states that Schlegel and Langston made plans to use funds to expand into Florida and California without consulting the board, and without first addressing the needs of Texans losing their jobs.
TFVC states that three weeks ago, almost all staff resigned from TFVF but returned to TFVC with the understanding that there would be a leadership change.
TFVC believes Governor Abbott should call for a fourth special session.
TFVC believes that the organization should focus on bad behavior by both parties and not just Democrats.
TFVC states they will tell the stories of members who have lost their jobs due to vaccination mandates and that they will not concede to big business.
TFVC is fighting to regain trust of its supporters.
This is a developing story.
UPDATE 12/11/21
We receieved the following statement via email from Jackie Schlegel:
“In the best interests of the effort to stop vaccine mandates in Texas, I had chosen to try and handle the attempted hostile takeover of TFVC in private. It’s clear now that the person behind this effort is feeling extreme pressure to stay ahead of their mistakes by using TFVC’s website to promote their narrative.
1. The take over of TFVC occurred shortly after my mother’s death in a deliberate attempt to take advantage of my sheer exhaustion and lack of will to fight.
2. The assertions in the post on the TFVC website are completely false and will be dealt with in the appropriate venue.
3. After attempting to frighten me by asserting I had somehow committed a series of crimes, the person behind these political power moves attempted to buy my silence by offering me a year’s salary to step away from TFVC and sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Fat chance.
I will continue to advocate for vaccine freedom, informed consent, and medical privacy, including via a fourth Special Session.
The person responsible for this drama has acted more like a mafia boss than a conservative activist for far too long. I’m confident they will learn to treat others with respect very soon.”