Abbott Goons Target Leader West’s Wife
While many of our readers slept, an Abbott-loving cop arbitrarily decided to pull over Angela West, wife of Supreme Leader Allen West. Though many are discussing either the military-industrial complex’s humiliation in Afghanistan, or Australia devolving into North Korea 2.0 during its draconian lockdowns, we must remember there’s an authoritarian regime here at home, courtesy of Abbott the Boneless. Leader West with the details:
As explained by the video, Angela West was arrested for “suspected DUI,” despite being “negative” on the breathalyzer, and drinking only water and lemonade previously. All this occurred with her baby grandson, Jaxton, was sitting in the back seat. Considering the West family are teetotalers, anyone with an IQ above sea level can see the blatant scamming and intimidation occurring.
The aforementioned events took place in Dallas county, where Police have been glad to enforce mask mandates and flu lockdowns, while giving BLM and Antifa terrorists a pass. Keep in mind this is also the county that legalized thefts deemed less than $750 by our self-proclaimed leaders. Sadly, this screw job-esque behavior isn’t limited to Dallas county.
In light red Denton county the same night, one of our secret squirrels (Alexa, play “Friends in Low Places”) Allen West’s campaign manager Lisa Hendrickson, and her husband were pulled over within the same timeframe of Mrs. West, by a likely rent-a-cop (likely from Abbott’s harem), who then proceeded to ask them a series of questions. Unlike Angela West, the officer was forced to release the couple and allow them on their way.
This is quite surprising because while not exactly a grassroots dominant area, Denton county is redder and more politically innocent than its two southern neighbors (Tarrant and Dallas for the geographically retarded). So, what does this mean?
For one thing, it shows Abbott the Boneless is extremely unpopular, and needs to brutalize opposition to win the coming primary election. Apparently, Allen West presents such a challenge to Commissar Abbott, that it warrants abducting his wife, locking her in a seedy cell, and making her bail out of jail while convicted felons and illegal aliens are allowed to run loose immediately (this is the bail reform in action that Abbottards are demanding); truly the epitome of anarcho-tyranny.
Even worse, Mrs. West was even forced to undergo a blood test while jailed by Abbott’s GayGB; rumor has it this was a forced blood offering for Lam.
Remember that at Current Revolt, we endorse ABA: Anyone But Abbott, and we stand with anyone threatened by the fake and gay Abbott regime, whether Huffines, Prather, or West. We stand with Supreme Leader Allen West in his quest for justice against the Globohomosexuals launching personal attacks against his family, and their associates. After all, “you take the most flack when you’re over the target.” Allenu Akbar!