“You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts.”
– Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan
A line commonly offered by Republican politicians in the Texas Legislature is that every year we have the “most conservative session ever.”
The “most conservative session ever,” yet it feels far from that. Often times, the grassroots has expressed that, year over year, it feels that Texas is becoming softer, left-er, and more progressive. When this point is raised, they’re told they’re wrong, and that the grassroots is out of touch or too extreme.
We finally have data and a graphical representation that Texas leans farther blue than what our politicians want us to believe.
The data above comes from GrassrootsPriorities.com and is cited via Rice University. The chart above is based on votes cast during the 2023 regular session. It differs from other partisan rankings and scorecards in that it accounts for every vote that is not unanimous or lop-sided. In other words, every vote that matters is counted and the data is not rigged in order to show any particular result.
What it does show seems to reflect the grassroots’ feelings that the Texas House leans left. Very far left, in fact. Our most conservative representatives are only “slightly conservative” and a large number of Republicans are in the “slightly liberal” column.
The scoring also shows that not a single Democrat enters the conservative category with a majority in the “liberal” and “very liberal” columns.
Democrat activists and Republican politicians would have you believe that the Texas government is currently like this:
But in reality, the current state of Texas looks like this:
GrassrootsPriorities.com provides other fantastic data when you click directly on a representative. Below we see the specific details on Rep. Charlie Geren, which include his contact information, his top 5 contributors, his major vote differences, and their ideological scoring trend.
We can only hope that the coming election forces some hearts to change and politicians to finally step and do what is right.
We need bold leaders now more than ever. Currently we do not have that.
Don’t let Texas go the way of California.
I’d love to see the rankings without all the scam votes. Like all the times they voted to make abortion illegal despite it already being illegal under State law.
When the legislators number one priority is, “don’t hurt anyone’s feelings” of course it will end up like this.
This emotion-focused legislature is a result of feminism running rampant and consuming everything.