New Republican Group Launched to Stop Current Revolt
Ever since Joe Biden allegedly won the presidential election by receiving the most votes ever running a campaign from his basement, a few dastardly devils have been licking their lips at the prospect of regaining control of the Republican Party.
Within this context, there has been a fun and interesting group pop up called the Texas Republican Initiative.
I’m kidding, they are actually boring and cringe.
For some reason, the group has chosen a logo that is synonymous with secretly signaling to others that you are a pedophile.
What is the purpose of having a Republican group with a pedophile-inspired logo? I have no idea. Apparently the group is serious.
In a press release just days before the State Republican Executive Committee voted to deactivate the Texas GOP’s account on the Christian-run social media site Gab, the TRI laid out their mission statement, saying they formed in order to oppose our new movement.
Five liberals got together to oppose the more numerous right wingers.
Their main objective is to gaslight everyone on behalf of elected officials, serving as a credible source to disseminate swamp-Republican disinfo and drum up their fake accomplishments.
The reason for the group is because they are losing the information war.
The key objective is to rope in less-informed people, presumably to then shield them from us in order to create a new anti-Allen West faction where they will presumably use leftist tactics to demonize us.
They claim to represent the Republican voters who aren’t paying attention to anything that is going on.
Frankly, these “conservatives” in elected office haven’t even been able to conserve little girls sport’s leagues, and most people are now realizing they are selling a scam. Thus, we see this movement to rebrand their tricks.
Looking at this situation more broadly, having these people in the same party as us is completely untenable. The disagreements here are not 80/20, they are as wide as Palo Duro Canyon.
So let’s look closer at what these people claim their new group is doing and what their views are, because frankly, these people need to explain why they think putting the voters to sleep with this drivel and telling them everything is fine is a good idea. What they are doing actually seems quite subversive when you look at it.
First we have Carlos Cascos.
Excited yet? I knew you would be.
He’s a former Democrat from Mexico who is weak on every possible issue, and is now claiming to represent the future of the Republican Party.
Let’s see what the President of the TRI has to say.
“Having been elected, three times as a Republican in an area that is very challenging for us, I believe we must communicate a policy of good government and that officials must represent the concerns and needs of their constituents as opposed to a portion of the Party. Our Party must focus on issues important to all Texans and communicate that we believe the role of government is to create an environment conducive to job creation. Government does not create jobs. We must not be distracted, by small, albeit vocal, groups that desire to pivot the Party’s focus to issues that are not representative of all Republicans let alone most Texans.” said Cascos.
So the very first sentence, of the very first statement, from very first president of this new organization, they lay out their grand plan as a plan to “communicate a policy of good government.”
Does this inspire you?
At first glance, the statement seems to mean literally nothing — “communicate a policy of good government.”
It’s possible that this does in fact mean absolutely nothing, but I assume it means something. We have to speculate since it is not clear what this means, but I suspect what it really means is “we have to stay away from issues that will make the media say mean things about us.”
Most politically engaged Republicans understand this is the modus operandi of elected leadership. That is, the media controls what elected Republicans do and say as a matter of course.
This explains why elected Republicans are ineffective, boring, and leave people feeling like they have no representation. In other words, the media accomplishes their goal and achieves the political outcome they want via bullying.
The key context here in Carlos’ statement is the mention of job creation and government’s role in its facilitation. This is where the the TRI Hard Initiative want Republicans to stay, where it’s nice and comfortable and totally harmless to the left’s larger globalist agenda.
He also rips the Allen West faction of the party as being small despite every single indication being they are much more popular than whatever he is supposedly representing.
Anyways, I can’t imagine who this is supposed to appeal to. Just the other day he was stumping for Joe Straus, which is really beyond the pale.
He’s also a devout Covidian who can’t seem to grasp he has gone along with destroying society because some people got the sniffles.
This is truly bizarre here where he constructs a false reality where he claims there is endless legislation that harms nobody and benefits all.
Next, we have Mark McCaig.
Houston Attorney, former Mayor of Halloween Town, and current Republican Precinct Chair in Harris County.
Here’s a more recent photo.
McCaig stated, “TRI’s board reflects the incredible diversity of the Republican Party in Texas. I am honored to work alongside such a wonderful group of leaders who each bring different skills, perspectives, and experiences to the organization. While we do not always agree on every issue, we are united by our desire to grow our Party so it remains vibrant for years to come.”
“The Republican Party of Texas has gone down an unfortunate path in recent months where it seems more interested in attacking Republican officials instead of working collaboratively with them for the good of the Party. We must realize that we are all in this together and that our Republican officeholders are making tremendous progress in keeping the promises they made to voters last year. TRI looks forward to communicating the good work that Republican governance is accomplishing for Texans from all walks of life.”
So first he hits us with the “incredible diversity” bit. Which is, so tiresome.
Remember the last time Republicans tried to force the diversity meme?
Is Lacey Hull really working out, Mark?
We’re going to stay polite here, but what’s happened here with this particular experiment in “diversity” is not right. Again, we’re not going to get into it. If you know, then you know. But it’s not right what has happened with Lacey and in fact makes me sad.
You can see Abbott there, smiling real big in the photo as they use this woman to push their own personal agenda.
Makes me sick.
McCaig then gives a shameless plug for Republican leadership while trashing our movement. He’s basically shilling a “trust the plan” mentality that is no different than the QAnon people. But instead of Trump, it’s the establishment they want us to trust.
While Carlos Cascos is presumably too old to figure out Gab, McCaig is one of the ones who whined incessantly about Gab and all the freedom happening there.
He says what he saw was “vile,” signaling that he believes all the correct things and has all the latest updates of political correctness installed into his brain.
(Social scientists want people to be programmed to react to certain political views with disgust because it prevents the mind from engaging critically with the ideas, instead shutting off instantly.)
Of course, as many have been noted, Twitter has everything from hardcore porn to cartoon animal porn. That is ok, apparently.
But legal political speech Mark doesn’t like? That’s a biting off more than he can chew.
Frankly, it’s hard to take the guy seriously.
How is he getting away with telling everyone else what they should do?
Next we have Morgan Three Names.
She is actually a nice looking young woman.
Serving as Vice-President of the TRI board is Morgan Cisneros Graham, who also currently serves as Cameron County GOP Chairwoman and Cascos’ partner on the S.C. Graham is a vocal advocate of “getting back to common sense, good government, and not the interests of a faction within the Party.”
They represent common sense, you see. The implication is that we represent the opposite of common sense.
These are, of course — fighting words.
Graham remarked, “It has become necessary to fill the void created by the Party due to its abuse of resources aimed at defeating our own and trying to convince voters that our elected GOP officials are failing. A small group of faction leaders, lobbyists, and party members have forgotten that our elected officials serve the voters, who are the actual grassroots, and not just voices in a partisan echo chamber. There are growing concerns about the direction of the Party, which are being ignored or even actively suppressed by many in State Party leadership. TRI intends to address these concerns by focusing on the successes of Republicans, not by kicking out Republicans.”
“Currently the Texas GOP has resorted to being a promotional vehicle for a handful of people to pursue bigger things versus a functional organization that is in charge of supporting and promoting Texas Republicans. Fundraising, outreach, and basic organization have been ignored, which will result in Republican losses next November unless something is done.”
Darn skippy we are promoting bigger things.
Healthy families, ordered liberty, honoring God. These are bigger than Greg Abbott, it’s true. People who are not helping us towards these bigger aims are actually getting in the way.
Once again, we see TRI’s plan seems to be to come out swinging under the banner of various platitudes like “common sense,” with the objective being to get people to buy into “plan trusting” of Dade Phelan.
It’s one of the strangest things I have seen in a while, and that is saying something in 2021.
A common theme throughout this new Status Quo Caucus is that they claim, with no evidence, to represent “the rest of the party.”
TRI is claiming to speak for the people who are less informed and less engaged than the majority of the grassroots. However, the fact of the matter is – the more engaged and informed people become, the more likely they are to join us. Claiming you are representing the people who don’t even know what’s going is some serious bravado.
Morgan Three Names has a lot of hot takes on her timelines.
She says Gab is not a free speech issue and then complains about various categories of free speech as being the problem.
Folks, this is not the time to be soft on the first amendment.
We are setting critical precedents for future generations on the freedom they will inherit, and we have people like these jerks who are lukewarm on these rights, wanting to make all these exceptions, as if they won’t come for their speech next.
The “private companies” argument is so old and tired. The Cat Parks faction of the GOP’s response to the “bake the cake, bigot” issue has been to just start promoting acceptance of homosexuality as a featured identity of the party.
Frankly, the people who are anti-Gab are people who don’t have anything interesting to say. Thus, they aren’t worried about censorship.
Basically, what we have here is a group of people pitching a product that nobody wants.
As a matter of fact, the number-one conspiracy theory BlueAnon website in Texas, Living Blue TX, wrote about an event hosted by the Texas Young Republicans in the form of their first annual “Legislative Dinner.” The TRI-Hard faction was very well represented at the dinner.
I actually agreed with a lot of BlueAnon’s complaint-laden analysis.
You might expect the Young Republicans’ first Legislative Dinner to highlight bold new ideas; if the Young Democrats held a Legislative dinner, they would have had new and bold ideas. However, it was the same old Republican garbage that they’ve been pushing for the last 50 years. In fact, it was so much of a repeat of old ideas that the Texas Young Republicans should rename themselves “The Same Old Shit Republicans For A New Generation.”
While these guys have a really hard time conveying ideas without vulgarity, they are right. These people have no ideas which is why censorship is not a concern for them.
This is by design, as the media wants to contain Republicans within the box of the same failed ideas, forever and ever.
Dade Phelan drank one too many before his speech.
This was probably the most entertaining moment of the evening. He slurred through his speech, then called Jason Vaughn a RINO but said it was better than being a traitor. What was that about? An inside joke? Or was Phelan so inebriated that he was saying random things?
Oh it’s not an inside joke. They’re attempting some kind of “platitude coup” in conjunction with the establishment and they are throwing it in our faces.
Matt Mackowiak is also involved in all this. Not really even worth looking at because it’s more of the same, but even more petulant. He just shames and moralizes, calls people racist, etc. Really no different than Living Blue. Somehow he thinks this is a strategy for anything other than promoting himself to the corporate media as a professional traitor.
The Platitude Coup of the TRI will be backed by monied interests who play both sides.
Abraham Lincoln, whom most of these people glorify and praise, ripped the constitution to shreds in order to restore a constitutional republic. Not everyone will agree with this interpretation, I’m just telling you as a matter of historical fact, absent all the little asides, that we went from A to B. Mass chaos and illegal wars to constitutional rule of law.
And while Lincoln himself was a political operator of extreme grace worthy of careful study, those who were behind his political ascent were total fanatics.
The abolionists who supported Lincoln and the Republican Party were extremist bullies who were on a mission. These were men who were not going to be denied.
Neither will we be denied. We’re going to make them repeal the First Amendment before we stop talking, and THAT’S a compelling and bold message that people want. That is something that is cool.
Shaming and moralizing endlessly, enforcing the moral system of media trendies, calling people names, this stuff is not cool. Platitudes about nothing is not cool. Kissing the ass of these worthless Republican legislators might make you feel special, but it’s not cool. It’s gay.
Creating a group with the explicit mission of spinning Republican’s non-accomplishments as accomplishments is weird and bizarre, and I doubt this will actually interest anyone other than serve as a focal point for left wing media to create the perception of a wedge in our movement.
You can try and running and hiding from our ideas, but running won’t work.
Even if it did work, I doubt you can run very fast.