Texas Democrats – Obsessed with Sex and Children
They say two things in life are certain — death, and Democrats trying to teach your kids about the fetishes people use to get off.
For thousands of years, mankind wandered aimlessly trying to figure out exactly how to procreate. Men and women would spend their entire lives trying to figure out how to fulfill God’s commandment to “multiply and replenish the Earth.”
Thankfully in Texas, we don’t have that problem.
That’s because we have a little thing called “Democrats.”
Democrats are members of an organized group seeking to ensure that every human child is aware of every single sexual fetish that has been brought into the world out of the darkest depths of the human imagination. No sex act is illegal, and love is without borders or boundaries.
Even in the middle of pandemic, where infinity bajillion Texans have died right where they stand from Covid-19, Democrats are still thinking about sex and your kids.
Unfortunately, many children in Texas are entering adolescence with the outdated notion that after high school they should get married and start a family. This is more failure from the science-denying Republicans.
To properly prepare for a future career in a multinational corporation like Coca-cola, kids need to know about the wide range of sexual proclivities that have been discovered by science. For example, many children don’t even know the difference between a panny, a tranny, and a janny. They simply aren’t getting this education at home.
That’s where Democrats step in.
Allow me to take off my virus mask and introduce our old friend, Vice Chair of Appropriations Committee, Mary Gonzalez [D-HD75].
Mary is a panny who dates trannies. This is not to be confused with jannies.
Panny is another term for “pansexual.”
Tranny is another term for “transsexual.”
And janny is another term for “janitor,” like Current Revolt staff janitor Spencer Wintheiser.
We have a very smart (and growing) audience here at Current Revolt, but I’m pretty sure most of you are wholly ignorant on what graysexuals or pomosexuals are all about. Do you even know what a MAP is?
Students entering the workforce who don’t know what these obscure terms mean have no chance of landing a job at Coca-Cola.
This is why Mary Gonzalez has filed HB 2679.
And that act is a sex act, baby.
relating to human sexuality education in public schools.
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 28.0042 to read as follows:
Sec. 28.0042. HUMAN SEXUALITY EDUCATION. (a) In this section:
(1) “Age-appropriate” means suitable to particular ages or age groups of children or adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age or age group.
If you are wondering at what age is it appropriate for kids to learn about skoliosexualism, first of all you’re a frickin’ bigot.
Second of all, it’s based on pure science.
(2) “Medically accurate” means supported by peer-reviewed research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods and recognized as accurate by leading professional organizations and agencies with relevant experience, such as the American Medical Association.
It’s so important that we “listen to the science.”
Science is the source of truth and light. Science-deniers may want to close their eyes because this is what science looks like
The education reform bill continues:
(b) A school district shall provide human sexuality education in accordance with this section at grade levels specified by the State Board of Education.
(c) The State Board of Education by rule shall adopt the essential knowledge and skills for medically accurate, age-appropriate curricula to be used by a school district in providing human sexuality education under this section. As age-appropriate, the curricula must:
(1) include affirming information regarding gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation;
(2) cover human sexuality, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections;
(3) discuss human sexuality as a normal and healthy aspect of human development;
Mary Gonalez is very much abreast on all the SCIENCE and RESEARCH related to normal, healthy sexuality.
Mary did an interview with the uncomfortably-named Autostraddle where she detailed her own personal research on the human body.
“I came out initially as bisexual and I knew I had to challenge this ‘Tila Tequila’ model of what that entailed. Me being out has always been part of this political process, like constantly trying to promote social justice, and when I started dating some transfolk they would challenge me and call me out on unintentionally reinforcing a gender binary. By saying bisexual instead of pansexual, I was promoting a binary model of sexuality and not representing the full spectrum of who I am and the people I loved. So, I’ve always just been searching for the right language to respect my reality and those that share this world with me.”
While Republicans continue to live in the past and promote teaching kids about Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE), Democrats are leading the way with SCIENCE.
Truth seekers like Mary are needed to develop education programs to help young, impressionable children break out the binary model of sexuality, and to start teaching about “the full spectrum” of sexuality.
DID YOU KNOW: According to SCIENCE, The Satanic Temple says that “more than 50% of [their] membership [are] LGBT.”
Isn’t that just cute? Who said church and state has to be separate?
I’m told there is a serious threat looming — a death virus which requires society be completely torn down and rebuilt around said virus, while at the same time the lawmakers talking about the virus threat are spending time and energy coming up with ways to teach children that man-on-man anal sex is “normal and healthy.”
Look, don’t get mad at me. They’re the ones brining it up constantly.
Like the virus hysteria, it’s exhausting.
Let’s Play a Game
Look, all this weird, degenerate stuff is already in the schools in a big way.
Have you checked your local school’s library to see what they’re offering children under the guise of “education?”
Imagine ‘50 Shades of Gray’ but homosexual and cross dressing. That’s what we’re finding in a lot of schools.
Promote this stuff to elementary school students?
Virtually 100% of districts have a massive catalogs of super weird books that glorify everything up to and including pedophilia.
Here’s a page from a common book found in middle/high schools in Texas. It’s called “Beyond Magenta” by Susan Kuklin, and it details a 6 year-old engaging in sex acts.
No law was passed, they’re just doing it, folks.
Go to your local school district’s library catalog and search “Transgender.”
Note: THE LINKS MAY NOT WORK – THEY DESIGN IT TO BE HARD TO LINK TO (non-nefarious) some links require clicking an additional button to get to the catalog. Some catalogs give the option to search 1 or more campuses. IF THE LINKS DO NOT WORK, try searching for the “library catalog” yourself and clicking through. Some browsers work better than others.
Houston ISD: https://destiny.houstonisd.org/#
Dallas ISD: https://www.youseemore.com/dallasisd/
Fort Worth ISD: https://fwisd.follettdestiny.com/common/welcome.jsp?context=saas93_4233689
Austin ISD: https://catalog.austinisd.org/client/en_US/default
Northside ISD: https://northsideisd.follettdestiny.com/common/welcome.jsp?context=saas51_4278946
El Paso ISD: https://www.episd.org/Page/6201
Cypress Fairbanks ISD: https://destinyweb.cfisd.net/district/servlet/presentlistsitesform.do;jsessionid=5D7A3DDC223E7ECB5BAEAF4E37F796AA?districtMode=true
Fort Bend ISD: https://www.fortbend.lib.tx.us/
Plano ISD: https://catalog.pisd.edu/
Coppell ISD: https://destiny.coppellisd.com
Grapevine-Colleyville ISD: https://destiny.gcisd.net/
Keller, Lakeworth, Bastrop, others: https://destiny6.esc11.net/
Aledo, Argyle, Waco, HEB, others: https://destiny.esc11.net/common/welcome.jsp
Katy ISD: https://library.katyisd.org/
Lubbock ISD: https://library.lubbockisd.org/
These are just examples for your convenience.
You should be able to search for any school you want. Some sites will act like they require a password, typically I’ve found you just need to try clicking a different link to gain access.
What should you do with this information?
That’s up to you.
But once you know about it, you know about it.
And God knows you know about it.