Trump Admin Says Illegals will be Arrested in Churches and Schools
Texas Republicans made them sanctuaries for illegal aliens.
Texas Republicans refused to do this. They really are useless.
Acting U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Benjamine Huffman issued a directive Monday allowing federal agents to arrest illegal immigrants at churches and schools.
The Biden administration barred agents from arresting illegal immigrants in such "sensitive" areas. A spokesperson for Huffman wrote illegal immigrants "will no longer be able to hide in America's schools and churches to avoid arrest."
Many people are saying they can no longer afford to educate the kids of random people from all over the world who show up in our communities. We never got to vote on running our public education system like a charity for international criminals, but if we were given the choice, I suspect we would vote against it.
Oddly enough, Texas Republicans were in lock step with President Brandon, carving out the exact same sanctuaries for infiltrators in their latest “border security” bill from 2023.
Texas Republicans specifically made exceptions for illegal aliens in SB 4, saying the public places illegal aliens were most likely to be found were off limits for Texas law enforcement.
Why would they make public places off limits? Americans are not immune from being arrested for crimes in public places, so why are Texas Republicans granting these special rights to foreign criminals?
Dade Phelan said this was the strongest border security bill in the nation. Now, we have a situation where Texas has these sanctuary policies in opposition to the Trump administration.
It’s all very conservative, from our very conservative Republicans in Texas.

The bill was clearly a scam. Why would they ban enforcement in public places?
None of these reps alerted their constituents that they were being scammed, and in fact nothing came of this bill, and the illegal aliens remain today. Instead, Republicans did a fake fight over Speaker, impeached Paxton, etc.
As someone who actually believes in these causes, it’s exhausting to try and understand if this is incompetence or purposeful sabotage.
I don’t expect any apologies from these Republicans for doing the SB4 scam, but I expect a little more this session. Who will be our champion against scams in the 89th session?
We definitely have to be more engaged this session. Thank you for your great reporting.
You all are figuring out the Tx RINOs are a scam? Better catch up!