It’s Republican Party of Texas Convention week and there’s a lot to cover so let’s get right into it:
Texas Ethics Commission Complaint Filed Against Dade Phelan
In a Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) complaint filed recently, the complainant alleges that Dade Phelan is double-dipping on reimbursements related to the mileage of his campaign vehicle.
The complaint states that Rep. Phelan is receiving reimbursements for gas as well as wear on his campaign automobile from both taxpayer dollars and campaign funds, “effectively reimbursed twice” for use of his vehicle.
In the complaint, it states that his campaign refers to the vehicle as a “campaign automobile” in TEC filings but that Phelan also uses the same vehicle as a personal car to travel between Austin and his district.
The complaint also goes on to mention issues regarding a campaign ad and a lack of proper disclosure.
Runoff election early voting has begun this week, where Representative Dade Phelan faces off against David Covey for HD21.
Frazier Camp Allegedly Harassed by Keresa Richardson Poll Greeters
Poll greeting in Collin County is known to get pretty heated. The county has a history of physical altercations and assaults that seem to happen every election cycle.
We received a video yesterday that purports to show a Keresa Richardson poll greeter yelling at Representative Frederick Frazier’s seventeen-year-old daughter.
The video shows a woman behaving in a relatively unhinged/odd manner while screaming at Frazier’s daughter.
Here’s the thing: Dislike or disagree with Rep. Frazier all you want; one can’t expect his seventeen-year-old daughter not to be out there defending and polling greeting for her father, like any good daughter would.
Sources at the scene also said that the police were called out when a Richardson poll greeter allegedly spit on a Frazier supporter.
Let’s keep it civil out there, folks.
Update: a response via Rep. Frazier
An update from the Fire Frazier group:
Trey Trainor Alleges Chairman Rinaldi Didn’t Vote for Trump
In a Twitter spat yesterday, Trey Trainor, Donald Trump appointed commissioner and former chair of the FEC, alleged that RPT Chairman Matt Rinaldi did not vote for Donald Trump.
Chairman Rinaldi responded stating that he both voted for and endorsed Trump.
More to come?
Tony Gonzales works for Jeffrey Epstein's brother and his CCP-adjacent "Humpty Dumpty Institute."
Real hot-shot crew Rep. Tony Gonzales works with at Mark Lawrence Epstein's "Humpty Dumpty Institute" (HDI). Mark Epstein is Jeffrey Epstein's "younger brother." Despite being removed from the HDI website after our side outed him, Mark remains a Co-Founder, Director and Financier -- according to the most recent public IRS Form 990s -- of the CCP-PLA adjacent HDI.
Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Federica Wilson, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Al Green, Bennie Thompson...
One might be forgiven for thinking Tony Gonzales is a Democrat!
Very much looking forward to Tony Ortiz/Current Revolt's piece on this critical topic today.