Throughout the week we will be introducing the top political activists, players, and rising stars in the Texas right-wing political sphere under 30 years old.
The individuals featured were either nominated by right-wing leadership or chosen, by Current Revolt staff, to be featured on this list. Those featured are the defining examples of next generation activists and political leadership.
They are displayed in no specific order as we feel everyone listed is playing a unique part in making Texas a greater place.
Editors note: If you are leadership in a political organization, pay close attention to the answers of those here, you’ll have a better understanding of what issues are actually important to Gen Z’ers and what aren’t.
Part 1:
Jake Lloyd Colglazier is a right-wing political activist and America-first patriot. Well known in America First circles, he is now working on political campaigns in Texas.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
When I was 7 years old I was lectured by a Hispanic child on my soccer team because my family was voting for George W Bush.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
At the root of all our problems is a low view of state sovereignty. Abortion, gun rights, immigration, and all the other problems we face could be solved by the state of Texas if only we had leaders that had the will to do it.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future? Why or why not?
Generally, I have an optimistic outlook on Texas’s future. We have some pretty big battles ahead of us but I believe in the people of Texas. Great leaders are stepping up.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
The average GOP politician is 100% cold and dispassionate about politics. That’s actually pretty useful in this business, the main problem is that they are that way because they’re literally psychopath lizard people (literally (LITERALLY)).
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
Basically everything
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin trial deeply affected my understanding of politics in this country. There were so many lies, so much collusion between the media and the Democratic party. I saw that to many people, the truth doesn’t matter, facts and logic don’t matter. In fact, liberals hate the truth. All that matters to them is power. Many people even today think that liberals are just dangerously wrong and we simply have to work harder to show them the truth. Well, the truth that we need to understand is that liberals don’t care if what they’re doing is right or wrong; all they care about is power and revenge.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
My favorite e-celeb is Harrison Smith, a good friend of mine, actually. He’s an 8th gen Texan, major freedom fighter. Great guy.
My least favorite is literally anyone that disagrees with me at any given moment
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
I’ve always been pretty disagreeable about politics (a touch autistic, maybe) so I’ve never really felt like it was difficult. I never went through a liberal phase.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Don Huffines
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
The lockdown actually pushed me toward full time streaming after I left Infowars. That’s one of the main reasons I actually started my show
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
Businesses have no right to mandate vaccines, it’s none of their business.
I will never get vaccinated. If they ever forcibly vaccinate me then I will absolutely die, and it won’t be from the side effects, that I will tell you.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
Mine Were of Trouble Peter Kemp.
Mine Were of Trouble Peter Kemp.
Mine Were of Trouble Peter Kemp.
But really, I am reading Mine Were of Trouble by Peter Kemp, and I am recommending it to everyone. Kemp was an English volunteer who fought under Franco in the Spanish Civil War; you really need to read a first-hand account like this and it’s nearly impossible to find elsewhere. Leftists are sick, sick people (freaks even) and they want to repeat the atrocities of that conflict here in the US, this book will help you understand exactly what that means. Anyway, needless to say you need to be getting bigger, do heavy bag workouts. They’re coming for you.
What are your future plans in politics?
I planned to enlist in Caudillo Perry’s liberation forces, but I’m told that isn’t real (yet) so I’ve adjusted my plans. For now, I am focused on electing real conservatives to the Texas government (Don Huffines for Governor btw) and helping in any way I can to organize the grassroots for a real conservative push in the coming years.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
Theology is another big interest of mine, outside of that I hunt and lately I’ve been getting into motorcycles.
How can Texans help you?
Vote for Don Huffines for Governor and follow me on Twitter.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Jake Lloyd Colglazier (@JakeLColglazier) – Twitter
Jake Lloyd (@jacobclloyd) • Instagram photos and videos
Brianna Dashnea is a contributor to Red Liberty Media and the Vice President of the Guadalupe County Young Republicans. She currently lives outside of East San Antonio where she studied foreign languages and political science at a private university. Brianna has since done freelance work in research and journalism.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
I grew up on SNL and had spent a lot of time on YouTube. So, left-wing politics was what I had encountered and supported at first, even though I hadn’t yet realized it. What naturally followed John Oliver, Seth Meyers, and Trevor Noah were quick debunkings from Daily Wire hosts and Steven Crowder- the OG red-pills. But I was a complete lib, then I was angry after realizing I had been lied to, then mostly just clown-pilled. However, at the time, my biggest concerns were the same as many other left-wing people, i.e., LGBT issues, inequality amongst women and minorities, etc. I didn’t really become “active” in politics until I attended my first Turning Point conference in 2019.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
I’m not terribly issue centric. I believe a lot of political issues are intertwined, specifically socio-political issues that deal a lot with the left rejecting objective truth. Normally, I would say protecting unborn lives. I’ve done podcasts where we discussed the court precedents of Roe v. Wade and I’ve made digestible timelines of the gestation period that were to be handed out at pro-abortion rallies. I was even invited to be a guest-speaker at a pro-life assembly this January. However, for the time being, getting people to wake up to the reality of what the elite are doing during this pandemic has really brought out the populist in me. Plus, if we can’t swing the pendulum back in the right direction, Americans won’t be able to see all the damage that’s been done behind all the pandemic nonsense.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
Honestly, no. I have more short-term hope for Texas and Florida than I do for California or Michigan, obviously. But, given the trends we see right now with the big companies coming into our metrocities and the mass exodus from California and others giving us two more congressional seats, the demographics just aren’t looking good. America has lost so much of its morale. Texas has got to be one of the only states keeping it together. I rep Texas proudly everywhere I go, even though I’m not originally from here. But, a lot could happen in the span of a year or two, or ten, enough to make even proud Texans move to Florida.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
Well, Constitutional Carry has been sweeping the U.S., which is cool, and it’s great that more efforts are going toward education when it comes to removing woke curriculum because I really believe that we need to start there. The Republican Party platform I am in complete agreeance with, but most of its politicians are too soft. I can think of a few Republican women who I think try too hard on optics that it just comes off as divisive, but for most of the old guys, I don’t think they understand how to cater their optics toward people our age in the political scene. It’s more digestible for people like myself to look to right-wing commentators or journalists so we know what’s really happening around us, instead of the politicians.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
I don’t think I ever see myself voting outside of the Republican party, but if Republicans aren’t running off a conservative platform than they they’ve already lost my vote. Like I said, a lot of them are soft on policy. A few of them are annoying on optics. Way too many Republicans voted in favor of women being drafted into the U.S. military. Also, I don’t know why there isn’t more Republican pushback to the mandates and lockdowns. I am constantly not surprised at how ok people appear to be with this new world order, or maybe I’ve just gotten more right-wing.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
I attribute two major things to the political worldview I have currently- the people I share it with and the research I’ve done. Jordan Peterson was a big one, as cheesy as it sounds. I did buy a couple of his books. My more aggressive political influence came from journalists and commentators who I admired for asking important questions, like Elad Elyahu and Fleccas. Over my short political experience, I’ve spent time with people from Breitbart, Rebel News, and other conservative production. I learned so much from these guys. But then in the research I had done, in order to see the world as I do currently, I had to delve into geopolitics and history, mostly. I learned how nations had been taking over nations since the beginning, and how different schools of thought had caused tumbling empires. I had done a couple dissertations on different philosophers like that of Voltaire, Augustine, John Locke, etc. to know that people operate in groups and by themselves to achieve different goals and succumb to their own vices for the sake of freedom, which I would argue isn’t freedom at all. Of course, much of the remainder of my worldview came from the family and culture I was brought up in and I’m still learning so much every single day.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
Well, it’s weird to call them e-celebs, but my favorites for a long time have been J.J. McCullough and John Doyle. Both are utterly different, I know. But I find J.J. to be incredibly informative when it comes to much of my interests like culture and government. John Doyle, on the other hand, is the hype-man I need to fuel my right-wing political spirit every week. I’m a proud 7%-er.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
I don’t think it becomes easier getting older when one is right-wing. Not for me anyway. It may just be the position I’m in. But the things that unite conservatives are the things that are currently dying. I don’t mean to come off like a doomer, but everything from good Western values to objective truths has gone in a net-negative direction. However, I’ve always had pride in my beliefs, and they’ve been easier to support as I learn more with time. Regarding finances, I don’t think I would be viewing them the same had I remained left-wing. I feel like I learn more about the economy and investing from the internet every single day. I’m constantly looking for more gigs and ways to support myself and the people around me. I still die a little inside every time I fill up my gas tank or buy groceries, though.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Currently, I’m a-go for Don Huffines. He’s the most conservative candidate in the race. I don’t know that he’ll make it very far, but I’ll go for the Republican candidate in the end, be it Allen West, Greg Abbott, etc. I may regret this statement later on. I know a few people on our end who really hate these guys.
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I knew immediately that when businesses were enforcing masks on a mass-scale, that the pandemic was going to last more than 15-days, but I never could’ve predicted this new world order. I did end up leaving my day-job and I’ve bounced around quite a bit in the past couple years. But the first few months of the plandemic was, for selfish reasons, really good for me. I was finishing up my degree at the time so lots of extensions were in place. I was actually going out more because I felt this need to push back and have fun in a time where I wasn’t really supposed to. I did read a few more books and listen to a lot more informative shows/podcasts. Lockdowns really opened up time for people to fall into some rabbit-holes. I’ve been over it, though. I don’t foresee us going back to “normal”. Now, I’m just pissed.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I don’t like it. This has been a big debate between Republicans who were against the new medical-state completely and those who still wanted to protect the choices of private businesses. It was an issue I was having a tough time with myself. The thing is though, modifications to this specific vaccine are still developing. They’re talking about a fourth booster as we speak. This was a joke a few months ago, as were vaccine passports, implantable chips, etc. I’ve done my research. I’m vaccinated against other viruses, but not this one. I’ve already had COVID. Almost everyone around me has had it, whether they were vaccinated beforehand or not. These vaccine mandates and the additional rules around it are so unreasonable and arbitrary. For these reasons, I don’t think businesses should be terminating or hiring based on vaccine status, or any medical status that doesn’t prevent work from getting done. Also, I’m a conservative, not a libertarian. Government tyranny isn’t the worst and only tyranny to which we can succumb.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
Everyone I’ve mentioned and more! Check out Barely Informed with Elad, FleccasTalks, John Doyle, J.J. McCullough, the Daily Wire, Rebel News, and Red Liberty Media.
What are your future plans in politics?
I like being in independent media. I hope I can keep it going. Best believe that if there is a local rally or march, I am there. I don’t exactly see myself running for office unless it were absolutely necessary and I were prompted to do so. But, I’d prefer to do political research or work with campaigns before I think about ever getting into activism or office full-time. My focus is more on the war on culture and information.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I have so many hobbies! I just wish they were more practical. I pass time going out with close friends whenever we’re free. We go anywhere between Austin and San Antonio for a good time. I like finding the hidden gems of Texas and trying to put our small towns on the map. I really like movies, trivia, hiking, and traveling, of course. I also play classical guitar when I don’t have nails on, mostly Spanish music.
How can Texans help you?
Be a friend! Message me if you’re in the area. Or, simply come to our Guadalupe County Young Republican meetings.
Where can people go to follow you online?
To see some of Brianna’s work, check out Red Liberty Media for articles, podcasts, street interviews, and more on Instagram/Twitter
Kaylee is a conservative political influencer based out of Dallas, Texas. Her goal is to help inspire thousands of young adults to stand up and defend our country. She isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in and wants others to know that it’s okay to fight back.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
The 2016 & 2020 Election
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
I am optimistic because I believe that Texas stands strong within their political beliefs and we won’t back down against the government and conform to the disgusting society they want us to be a part of.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
Economics, Morality, Freedom.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
RINOs in office falling into the traps of congress and not standing up for what they actually believe in & congress not passing good bills that will get things done for the United States.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
The pandemic really changed the way I see everything now, and it highlighted a lot of how corrupt the media and government is.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
My favorite right wing celebrity is Kaylee McEnany, My least favorite is Ben Shapiro.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
Oh absolutely, and the more social networking I do, the more conservatives I find. When people grow up and realize they have to be financially stable on their own, it really helps teach them about economics and such.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Don Huffines 100% has my vote
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I continued with my normal life and went out and did stuff because I don’t really care what the government wants me to do.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
UNVAXXED FOR LIFE, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that they think they can prevent those who are unvaccinated from shopping & eating at stores. Nobody has the authority to tell us unvaxxed people what we can and cannot do.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
I currently listen to the KGB show, The Daily Wire, OANN, and Newsmax.
What are your future plans in politics?
I would love to have my own talk show one day revolving around politics and current events.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I really like building legos with my boyfriend and I also like hanging out with my friends a lot.
How can Texans help you?
Definitely follow my social medias and you can support me by listening and sharing my podcast!
Where can people go to follow you online?
Gettr: @kayleecampbell
Jake Neidert is well known for his incredibly viral Tweets. Cigar Appreciator. America First. Modernity Rejecter. Reformed. Campaign Manager. Sometimes serious, never wrong.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
Between the 2016 Primary and 2016 General election, I realized that Libertarianism and the “Leave me alone”, hyper individualism of the current Party was degenerate and incongruent with a right understanding of human nature.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Advancing cultural, social conservatism into dominance among issues in our party.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future? Why or why not?
Optimistic. However, there is a lot of work to be done educating our electorate away from Conservative INC. talking points, Libertarianism, and extreme Individualism.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
The Republican party of Texas gets a lot of stuff right when compared to the RNC. As opposed to the RNC, the patriots at the RPT have thus far kept our party from adopting the social leftism of the 2008 Democratic Party platform.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
Primarily, the Republican Party refuses to use power. Also, the RNC pandering to minorities, gays, and women. The conservative message can reach non-traditional voting demographics without the cringe pandering that the RNC is presently committed to. Key cultural issues and common-sense, economic populism will be transcendentally attractive to non-elite, normal people in a way the “Country Club Republicanism + minority pandering” of the last decades has proved wholly inadequate.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
The Gospel message is the biggest influence on my worldview. The fallen-ness of man in light of the Holy, perfect standard of God is not only personally humbling, but formative towards my understanding of government. All institutions, from family to government, are common-grace restraints on one’s conscience; as a matter of policy, the proclivities of man to act in consistency with his corrupt, fallen nature must be restrained in congruence with the natural order.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
Tucker Carlson is my favorite right-wing e-celeb, while my least favorite is Ben Shapiro.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
I think it gets harder to be right-wing as you get older. Take boomers, for example. They were raised in the most socially conservative, Christian society perhaps ever. Yet today, they often focus on economic issues and self preservation.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Anyone but Abbott, but I will be voting for Huffines.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
I am unvaxxed. Texas should use its power to revoke the licenses for those corporations, criminally charge the executives when applicable, and create civil penalties for wrongfully terminated workers.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
What are your future plans in politics?
Not sure if I would be interested in running for office. I hope to continue in politics and help Texas unseat RINOS and worthless, spineless moderates.
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related?
I enjoy shooting skeet, hunting, or reading books.
How can Texans help you?
Follow @yctbaylor and support the chapter through the donation link pinned on twitter.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Lynn Walling is a political activist and former candidate for Plano Independent School District. She is currently working on political campaigns and plans to run for office again in the near future.
What event/topic/issue got you active in politics?
A few topics caused me to get involved. However, if I had to choose one topic – Covid. I reached my breaking point with the absurd levels of government lies & overreach, big tech/social media censorship, and willingness of some Americans to give up their freedoms and liberties. I could rant for days about it.
What is the number one issue you are most passionate about?
Upholding the United States Constitution, especially the Amendments. Each amendment is so valuable. Losing any of them would be detrimental to our way of life. I also believe it is crucial the Americans remember, we the American people are the ones in power, not the government.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Texas’ future?
Nervous. As a native Texan, I have so much Texas pride and I do not ever want to lose that.
What do you believe the Republican party gets right?
Patriotism. The party values US history, our flag, those who serve & have served in the military, and being proud to be an American.
What do you believe the Republican party gets wrong?
I have two answers to this question:
1) How quickly and easily the GOP is willing to give up their values and break promises made to their constituents to “work across the aisle,” make money, and/or gain power. They need to learn how to hold the line.
2) Do not be so quick to judge someone because of what they look like on the outside (clothes, piercings, tattoos, hair, makeup etc), their profession, age, and/or their upbringing. Just because someone has piercings, tattoos, is a bartender or server, comes from a rough background, or has an eccentric fashion sense does not mean they do not have a good value system. No one should be discredited by the party because of any of those things.
Who or what was or is your biggest influence on your worldview?
Traveling, history, and my parents. Growing up I traveled to some exotic locations. I had the opportunity to see firsthand how a country’s leadership can impact everyday civilians. These travels always enlightened me to how blessed I am to have been born an American. Americans should never take that for granted.
Do you have a favorite right-wing e-celeb? A least favorite?
I don’t have a favorite. There are a lot of people I follow though – Candace Owens, David Harris Jr., Brandon Tatum, JP Sears, Joe Rogan, Will Witt, Benny Johnson, Lynne Patton and a handful more.
Do you think it gets easier to be more right-wing as you become older and more financially comfortable?
For some people that may be the case. I do think personal finances and becoming independent helps play a role for some individuals to gravitate towards being right-wing.
Who are you supporting for the Texas Governor race?
Don Huffines!
How did you get through the initial covid lockdown?
I felt rather boring during the lockdown! I picked up gardening, probably went overboard with cleaning + organizing, and in the Fall, I began interning with Dallas GOP.
What is your position on businesses and corporations discriminating against and/or terminating employees who are unvaccinated? Should businesses be allowed to do this?
Businesses should not be allowed to do this. In my opinion, businesses have no right to control what medical treatment(s) you choose to receive or not receive. I believe that businesses who participate in this discrimination are abhorrent and should be called out in a public manner. The employees of those companies should do everything in their power to hold the line.
Why get a shot if it does absolutely nothing? I already had Covid, I have the best type of vaccine – natural immunity.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to, consuming?
Reading – Little Jack Rabbit’s Big Blue Book by David Cory (published in 1924) & The Truth About Covid-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports and the New Normal by Dr. Joseph Mercola & Bonnie Cummins
Youtube – JP Sears and Zefrank1: True Animal Facts
Watching – Agatha Raisin & Death in Paradise (I am a huge fan of British humor)
What are your future plans in politics?
I have plans to run again in the future. Most likely a state or national level seat. Until then, I plan to stay involved, stay active, and stay loud!
What do you do for a fun or hobby that is not politically related? Bartending, go to art galleries & museums, exploring new places, hang out with friends & meeting new people, (ignoring Covid) traveling, Dallas Stars games, doodling
How can Texans help you?
I am always grateful for more followers and feedback! I also want Texans to remember to not be so quick to judge. No one is perfect & no one is going to 100% agree with another individual on every topic, and that is okay! It is the overall character and values that should be looked at.
Most importantly – Fire Abbott. Texas needs strong RED conservative leadership.
Where can people go to follow you online?
Currently I really only use Instagram – trustinlynn