The Diddler Industrial Complex is big business in Texas.
While “unaccompanied children” help bolster the supply side, foreigners are also helping drive up demand.
ABILENE, Texas — Abilene police have arrested a man that has been accused of aggravated sexual assault of a child.
According to an arrest report, a female under the age of 14 made an outcry of abuse against Fernando Corona-Trejo. He was identified during the investigation and admitted to the allegations made against him in an interview with police.
It was also found that Corona-Trejo is in the United States illegally, and is a flight risk.
Undocumented gropers can readily enter the US, but why is it much harder for them to leave? Racism???
It’s reported the girl was “under 14,” so let’s assume she was 13. Isn’t it racist to hold it against poor Fernando?
The age of consent in Mexico at the national level is 12, although it is higher in some of their local governments.
Poor Fernando may not have heard that the US is a racist country and it makes laws that systemically target people like him based on the color of their skin. He admitted to the crime to police because he probably didn’t even realize it was a crime.
It’s time for alleged US President Joe Biden to give Fernando a presidential pardon, because bumpin’ and grindin’ with 13 year old girls is a part of Central America Latinxxx culture.
Will the Texas Legislature end the white supremacy of age of consent laws and replace them with the more progressive Grass on the Field Doctrine?
And there are way more that go unreported. Diversity SUCKS! Literally and figuratively.
Abbott owns this.