US Military Caught Trafficking Undocumented Democrats
This story was confirmed by news sources several days after we broke the story.
Original story to follow
In today’s edition of Of Course They Are, our sources at the border have provided intel on a specific incident involving US military personnel involved in the very lucrative business of invading America.
The photo purports to show “migrants” who are very honestly sneaking into our homeland inside the trunk of a vehicle.
“Earlier this morning, there was a smuggling attempt that came to our checkpoint on F.M. 1017. Two uniformed US Army personnel, one active duty, one national guard, attempted to smuggle two migrants in the trunk of their vehicle. The facilitator at Fort Hood has been identified as Isaiah James GORE (DOB 3/5/2001), and he instructed these service members on what to wear, what to do and how to act when approaching and being inspected at any of our checkpoints. After receiving consent to search both of the principal’s phones, it is evident that there may be other players involved and other attempts made at various checkpoints.”
Individuals who come into our country via dishonest means obviously have no moral qualms about lying, stealing, falsifying documents, etc. The idea that they will suddenly stop being dishonest liars is wishful thinking at its worst.
Meanwhile, this is the attitude Republicans have had about the border for years.
Our country is being invaded by random people from all over the world. If you oppose it, you will be called a racist, which is apparently all it takes for coward Republicans to back down.
None of these people will ever be counted among our fellow citizens. As long as free speech exists, there will be someone willing to say these people and their children are recipients of stolen goods and illegitimate heirs to our birthright as Texans and Americans. This is why having all these people stay here and our basic freedoms are incompatible, because obviously a lot of people are going to agree with that statement.
All incumbents must be removed in favor of men of action.