The Austin American-Statesman published an edited video from a security camera as well as police officer body camera footage of the May 24th massacre inside Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas.
The footage shows officers arriving about 3 minutes after the lunatic gunman enters the school. Upon arrival, the officers look as if they’re in a Michael Bay movie as they roll right up on the killer who was holed up inside an occupied classroom.
Shots are heard from what appear to be the emo child-killer’s rifle, and officers immediately trip all over themselves, running away.
I’m pretty understanding, and I get that some of the officers may have felt outgunned. However, everyone knows school shooters use AR-15’s, because the media and Democrat politicians advertise it as the weapon you should use if you want to kill innocent people. An AR-15 is not going to punch through walls and doors with any serious lethality with its tiny bullet.
More officers arrive, armed with heavier weapons and more defensive shields.
They then proceed to chill in the hallway for over an hour.
I was actually surprised that more of them weren’t morbidly obese. About half the police I see these days are fat, disgusting slobs.
The “most 2022 moment” was definitely the guy who hit up the hand sanitizing station in the middle of a child massacre.
Wouldn’t want to catch Covid before you get shot to death, I guess?
It’s all just so…
It would actually be better if this were some kind of false flag with crisis actors. Instead, it’s even more bizarre with police following Covid protocols and actually tasing parents trying to save their children.
Marjorie Taylor Greene recently wrote a great op-Ed about how to prevent mass shootings. She points out that gun control literally doesn’t work, like at all. She also addressed many root causes of mass shootings the media and libtards totally ignore, namely big pharma and their mass-murder pills. She said nobody will talk about the psychotropics because all these journalists and leftists are also taking them.
27 per cent of teens aged 12 to 19 are on prescription drugs, most commonly something for ADD. Over 20 years old—the age range of many white male shooters—it switches to antidepressants. The numbers increase every year, as does the percentage of young people who say they’re depressed.
I understand why journalists are so keen to defend SSRIs, the most common variety of antidepressants. Half of them have prescriptions themselves. I’m not trying to be mean. Just read their social media feeds to see how heavily medicated America’s elite media class is.
Meanwhile, everyone is being paid to lie to you about the medicines. Elites were rewarded during Covid to praise rushed, experimental jabs. We still don’t know if they work (seems not), or what the long-time side effects are (heart attacks in fit 22-year-olds).
Big Tech, politicians, entertainers, and the press closed ranks starting in 2020 to lie to us for Big Pharma. It was an assault on our right to know what they were putting in our bodies. No one was too obscure to bribe. Tiny TikTok influencers with a couple hundred followers were handed $1,200 to make the jab sound safe and cool.
Only complete retards believe in gun control. In 2022 you can 3D print your own weapon, and if you have a decent IQ you can actually build a weapon out of duct tape and some wires like Shinzo Abe’s assassin.
What we need is big pharma control.
I’m surprised none of them filmed themselves for a sweet TikTok video like these COVID nurses.