The day has arrived for Texans to make their voices heard.
I have a feeling Texans will vote to swiftly deport all the people that need deportin‘.
I’m not saying Trump will win it all. I mean, have you seen how other states run their elections?
Democrats are barely clinging to reality, facing down another 4 years (or more) of Trump. I’m old enough to remember when Democrats ran people like Bill Clinton. He was likable and normal. People voted for him. Now, the Democrats go to extraordinary measures to install what is essentially a Monica Lewinsky-type of woman as their candidate. It’s nasty to think about what she’s done to get to this point.
Ted Cruz will win again. Colin Allred? Yeah, I learned all I need to know about that guy from his 2006 Pro Day.
4.85 as a linebacker with 17 reps on bench at 237lbs? And we are probably talking McDonalds weight here. Nothing about any of that makes you qualified to be a US Senator. It does, however, make you qualified to be a Dallas Cowboy.
Democrats have been high on their own supply with the “Colin Allred for Senate” experiment. He’s a loser, but he’s not as good at being a loser as Beto.
Allred is 41 years old, and the Cowboys are (by far) the worst team in the NFL. The best thing Allred can do after today is join the Dallas Cowboys.
We know most of our readers probably voted early. Democrats always vote on the very first day. Inevitably they say “OH MY HECK, THE BLUE WAVE IS HERE!” But it never happens.
That was the case every election—until it wasn’t. Covid changed how we think about voting. It’s no longer a ground game. Now, it’s an air raid.
That is your average non-Texas election today.
I doubt states try and pull the “burst water pipe“ thing again. It was a bit much.
I’m not saying the election will be clean. I’m saying it could be even dumber this time.
He doesn’t really look like a Democrat. Hold on.
Yeah, that’s better.
All we know is that, tomorrow, the computers will tell us who won the election.
I can’t wait to hear who our computers picked.
Please—when you vote, and you should vote, pretend you are casting a ballot that will be counted by a real person.
Sadly the only way to know your vote was counted is to see your ballot leaked online.
I was waiting for a picture of Randy Quaid as Cousin Eddie, blowing out the tanks of his RV in the gutter: "Shitter's full!" But you're too highbrow for me, clearly! Or the excuses haven't quite gotten there yet.
“Leaked Ballot Online…” 😂😁