Dead Inside and Starting to Smell
There is a plague of perversion aimed at our children, and it’s literally causing them to develop mental illnesses. The more time they spend with mentally ill peers, the more likely they are to identify as also mentally ill. Big surprise. Peer contagion is real.
Lisa Littman, an assistant professor of behavioral and social sciences at Brown University, found 87 percent of the young people were reported by their parents to have “come out” as trans after increased time spent on social media and the Internet and after “cluster outbreaks” of gender dysphoria among their groups of friends.
Most of the teens who ultimately identified as transgender also showed increased popularity with peer groups afterward.
This is why school closures due to COVID are a type of blessing. (If you aren’t already home schooling your kids, do it.) The ultimate aim here is to get youth surgically altered and destroy their lives before they are able to marry and have children. The less children Americans produce, the easier they are to replace with someone else’s babies.
What no one really talks about is the dark side of this fad…the surgical side of this fad. This road leads to the physical removal of body parts, what’s innocently called GRS, or gender reassignment surgery. For women, it’s large doses of testosterone, which can permanently damage their bodies (Planned Parenthood is glad to supply them with this… another big surprise), a mastectomy and even a hysterectomy. We’ll discuss the women at a later time, since mutilating healthy girls is a relatively new phenomena in our society.
Let’s talk GRS for men, ie the installation of a “neo-vagina.” A survey on neo-vaginas found a complication rate of 32% and a reoperation rate of 22%, and these were the participants that stayed with the study.
Many left the study, and it was suspected that many committed suicide. In fact, over 40% of transgendered youths have attempted suicide at some point in their lives. Many who’ve undergone the surgery regretted it and wish to detransition back to their original sex.
But once you’ve had your genitals removed, you can’t actually reverse that. All he could do was a cosmetic surgery to create the semblance of a penis and testicles. Since our initial conversation, he has done several more reversals and he has been calling publicly for more research into it.
Big Ooooops!
If you really loved someone and they were genuinely mentally ill with gender dysphoria, wouldn’t you try to get them the psychological help they needed and not the physical removal of body parts?
The most common side effect of GRS is stenosis of the neo-meatus (which is basically a gaping wound that wants to close up). The body wants to heal but the patient has to keep dilating the wound, sometimes permanently, to keep the tissue from healing.
What other elective surgery could you have and get those kind of results? What follows is a nightmare you wouldn’t wish on anyone. There are communities of men who’ve had male-to-female (MTF) GRS and they talk openly about the horror. Here are some of the more sanitized versions, but be warned… they are still graphic. Put down any lunchmeat you may have in your hand now. Right now!
Tell me if this is what a compassionate society does to people who are mentally unstable. This is the truth that the media won’t tell you.
I have been left disfigured with a lop sided outer vulva that’s over two inches deep and no inner vulva to speak of if I bare down to use the washroom I bleed from the vaginal opening, I’ve seen 3 gyno’s all of them don’t even want to touch his work and hell if I’m going to let that doctor hack at me again. My only saving grace to this point is I seem to maybe have enough depth for intercourse.
Dating is the last thing on your mind after this surgery, believe me I can barely get out of bed to work to keep a roof above my head. Let alone that I would be busy with finding a guy who wants to date me. I have taken 2 months of unpaid leave at work. I’m too embarrassed to go to work with this problem.
I experience urinary tract infections at least 4 times a year and my cavity closed up 60 percent despite dilating as recommended. My life has been completely halted by this surgery. It doesn’t even look like the real deal inside
I was regularly crying myself to sleep and upset when I got up in the morning. The smell wasn’t getting any better — I started using the shower a few times a day to wash my downstairs. My partner didn’t want to be in the same room as me, it was that bad.
Dr Brassard makes his patients sign contracts that they’ll never post pictures of their genitalia on the Internet, just to prevent people from seeing realistic samples of his work.
I’m still really self-conscious about what I smell like. When I catch a whiff of myself, Mostly after that I worry that the other women nearby can smell — or worse, that the men can.
Dr McGinn is a male herself by the way. No coincidence that she butchered me this way. She has had the same butchery done to her. I’m starting to think she went into the sex reassignment surgery niche to get some revenge for what was done to her.
I can’t be touched down there without crying, I feel sexually worthless, and I’m so sick and tired of what my life has become because of this surgery.
I will never be able to have sex again and I’m still trying to figure out how to live with the trauma of my surgery. The DR refuses to help the local medical team who are tying to figure out what’s wrong with me and his literal response to them was, “My patients don’t get complications. Send her to a clinic”.
I’m nine months post-op and I’ve had to stop dilating completely, I’ve been on and off antibiotics for the past 5 months, and most of my clitoris necrotized and fell off in the early recovery period
Some of his other massive faults is he argues with your local hospitals telling them that his work is perfect even though 90% of his patients I’ve talked to have had pockets of puss along the vaginal walls and massive scaring and in a lot of patients necrosis.
My dilation time is so long that I can barely fit 3 required dilation sessions in a day now, so much that I now live a 28 hourday cycle instead so that my vagina can rest a few hours between each session. I wake up from panic attacks during my sleep because I know if I sleep at all my next dilation will be hell. I have not been constipated, and I am able to consciously relax my pelvic muscles to not obstruct the dilator. I have experimented with different angles when pushing the dilator, changing my position a bit, taking more painkiller, using a lube launcher, reapplying more lube, visiting a gynecologist and testing for infection, etc… I want my penis back so bad. I fucking regret having SRS with Dr. Suporn.
A last review from hundreds available:
These surgeries are nothing more than luxurious butchery.