I received a very interesting letter addressed to State delegates to the Republican convention.
I have not been able to verify how many delegates this letter went to, nevertheless I thought it was interesting.
An Open Letter from a Anonymous Alternate turned Delegate to the Texas GOP Convention
I am a Christian Conservative Republican. In that order. I’m not a moderate, not a progressive, not a Libertarian, or a liberal. I’m not a Republican first, I’m a Christian first. Conservative second. Republican last.
The Republican Party is the political party that most closely aligns with my beliefs and values. If the Republican Party ceases to be the closest party to my values, I will no longer continue to be a member of Republican Party. I will however continue to be a Christian and a Conservative. Because those are words that represent my core values.
I am a follower of Christ. I believe in following the Bible: all of it, not just select Scriptures in or maybe out of context at my own convenience, but the whole Bible, interpreted correctly, in context. The Bible is applied to my life and my beliefs with the aid of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Because I am a Christian I am a political Conservative. Government is a man-made construct that only exists because of our fall into sin. Government should follow a Biblical pattern such as the one God gave for the Jewish nation. Our Constitution used the Bible as its foundation and set in place cautions and rules for us to follow, not to be set aside. We should pass as few laws as possible, limit the literal and figurative size of all governments (city, county, state, and federal), limit our spending, have zero debt, protect and increase personal freedom as much as possible, hold our legislators accountable by limiting their power and monetary benefits from political endeavors, ALL while following a Biblical pattern for ethics, legislation, and the judiciary.
These are my core beliefs pertaining to the government and they are currently reflected in the 2021 Republican Platform. If at any of these points a person disagrees with me then we are not of the same mind and do not share the same values.
Let me reiterate: just because you may vote or run as a Republican and I may vote or run as a Republican, we do not in fact share the same beliefs.
THIS is what is tearing the Party apart. There are people and legislators who consider themselves, for whatever reason, to be “Republicans” who do not share all of these values (or maybe any of them). Legislators who do not submit legislation supporting the Republican legislative priorities. Legislators that avoid voting on good legislation (supported by the grassroots of the Party) that would reveal their moderate or progressive beliefs. Legislators who submit bills that are all hat and no cattle. Leaders who engage in and excuse (if not outright promote) sexually deviant behaviors that are forbidden by the Bible, and this includes unfaithfulness. Leaders who support power-hungry career politicians who are self driven and not Spirit and service driven. People who are serving themselves are not the people we should be supporting as leaders to represent us, they are unable to serve us since they are already serving themselves.
This is what I pray to happen in my great State of Texas: for God to enable Holy Spirit driven people who love God first, strive to follow Him, and that those things are evident in their life because they are bearing good fruit, to serve the people of our state. Those are people we want leading the party, leading in Austin, and representing us. That process has to start with you. Yes, YOU, the voter who votes in every general election but not the primaries. The voter who votes in the primaries but doesn’t know the character of the people they’re voting for. We can’t just vote for a recognizable surname or someone who is friends of a friend of a friend, we need to vet every single candidate at every single primary. Just because a representative was good (or seemed good) doesn’t mean they are still. They need to be re-evaluated and held accountable. Heck, that’s their defense to Rule 44 and why they think it should be done away with: politicians are held accountable at the ballot box they say. So let’s do that, let’s hold Austin accountable for their unwillingness to do the job we sent them there to do, and send them packing. Help me help our state: actions speak louder than words.
It was said a long time ago, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18).
What is the vision of the elected Republicans in Austin? FMA? Selfies? I don’t really know.
Their leader, Dade Phelan, is literally a professional scam artist. He and his butt buddies, the Bonnens, including former speaker Dennis Bonnen, literally own banks where people deposit money into his bank in lieu of campaign contributions.
And so we have unprecedented losses of freedom, wealth, a (not) mysterious increase in deaths, open borders, collapsed currency, homosexuals openly targeting children, all this wicked stuff going on — and the people in charge are complete scam artists.
Everything about this nation was explicitly and aggressively Christian up until the 1960’s. Every President, except for the one Moslem, has been a Christian. So we can still have all these other coalitions, but Christianity is naturally the rallying point in the current year, as the enemies of Christians are openly anti-Christ.
The best part about last week was that the people who whine about a “big tent” were not able to sucker the State Delegates into taking the GOP into these weird big tent directions. When they say “big tent,” know what they are really talking about is lowering standards.
Libtards say that Donald Trump is our leader. Lol. No — Jesus is our leader. He is our strength, He is our King.
People try and dox Current Revolt. Dox us as what? Christians who have the ability to laugh? Oh no.
Do you want to take a stand against evil? If so, you’ve got a lot of options right now. This is your chance. Fear not. He is with you.
On to victory.
This open letter rates a WOW! I agree with almost 100% of it. Where I part ways is in the fact that the very people we are at war with within our ranks are the "Christian" evangelicals of the Gingrich Contract With America crowd. The biblical pharisees would be proud of them and most of these people leave a very bad taste in my mouth these days. I am surprised most of these people even have head hair. They should actually have their other face on the back side of their heads. I will say that I was very surprised at the outcome of the Convention but I lay that at the door of the many new MAGA faces that have come to the rescue of the Grand Ole Party before it disintegrates completely.
Great comments but the writer of that letter (I didn't get one - was a delegate) has to remember that the Republican party is diverse and not everyone is going to be as spiritual or right-leaning as her. That being said, I was encouraged because I felt the convention was very conservative and we are on the right track - let's keep our elected leaders accountable, let's fight for every Priority and even fight for the ones that didn't make the list - YES to Equal Parenting. If we don't fight to make Texas the most conservative state in the Union, then what are we even doing?