Frisco, Texas to name Elementary School After Unhinged Lying Weirdo
Exurb of Dallas, Frisco, Texas is no stranger to political drama, and 2021 is delivering in spades.
After crybaby backstabber Brian Livingston betrayed a local pastor who helped him get elected, we now have the Frisco Independent School District naming a new school after an admitted liar and dirty trickster, Cyril William “Buddy” Minett.
For those unaware, in a 2017 election for school board Minett sent out a political mailer right before early voting claiming that patriot Jeff Snowden had been arrested, plead guilty, and spent 90 days in jail for serving alcohol to minors. The mailers even showed a fake “inmate number” for Snowden, as reported by Texas Scorecard.
This was not true, but the damage had been done and Snowden lost his race by around 2,500 votes.
Snowden went on to sue Minett and it took two years for Minett to apologize for the lies.
“ A message to Frisco Voters:During the 2017 local elections for FISD Trustee, Frisco voters and others were provided with misinformation on candidate Jeffory G. Snowden. Specifically, a political action committee called Frisco Citizens for Campaign Integrity claimed that Mr. Snowden had been arrested for serving alcohol to a minor and assigned an inmate number. These claims were based on information obtained from online sources. However, I now accept these sources were erroneous and that these accusations are incorrect. I hereby retract the statements and apologize to Mr. Snowden and his family. I want to thank Mr. Snowden for his 10 years of service to Frisco on various boards and committees and encourage him to continue to serve our community in the future.
Yours truly,
Cyril William Minett, Jr. No”
In a normal world, men like Minett would be humiliated, publicly ridiculed, and forced to move somewhere far away from where people would recognize him. But in the current year, Frisco ISD has decided to name a school after he and his wife.
“Minett Elementary is named for two exemplary servant leaders who have left an indelible stamp on the Frisco community.Buddy has a long-standing record with the Frisco community since moving here in 1982 and has served in numerous public roles.”
Frisco ISD just so happened to leave out the part where Minett admitted he littered their school board camapign with lies against his political opponent.
Frisco can do much better. Anyone who has taken the time to visit Frisco knows it’s a beautiful city with wonderful businesses and fantastic citizens. It’s unfortunate that its political representation seems to be filled with nothing but liars and traitors.
This Minett guy and his wife appear to be amongst the small percentage of the population that thinks Tim Dunn of Empower Texans is going to personally close down their school and then murder all the children. When they were called on their lies, they immediately started ranting about Empower Texans, a harmless watchdog group that has a website where they talk about local tax policies.
About 0.12% of the population in Texas are afflicted with this behavioral disorder according to studies.
Sufferers of “Post Traumatic Dunn Disorder” look under their beds before they go to sleep in order to make sure Tim Dunn isn’t hiding there. It’s very sad for all those involved.
The naming committee for this Elementary school name change consisted of several FISD board members including Rene Archambault. Rene claims to be a Republican, but she’s a big fan of extreme leftists like Elizabeth Warren and Beto O’Rourke. Not sure what part of her is Republican but if you read this you are probably aware of several “Republicans” that match this type.
If you’re a Frisco resident give your board of Trustees a call and ask them why the bar is suddenly set so low for your great city. Better yet, there’s an election coming up in May for FISD. Vote accordingly as Rene is up for reelection.