YCT Defeats UNT Attempt to Give Illegals Privileged Status
UNT was giving illegals discounted tuition
Neomarxist colleges can be crushed after all. A Federal Judge ruled that University of North Texas (UNT) must stop charging out-of-state students more than illegal aliens, who are not only out-of-state but out-of-country. While the ruling’s correctness is obvious to any non-traitor, UNT’s so-called lawyers (who should be disbarred) plan on appealing.
Per Texas Tribune:
“UNT lawyers appealed last week’s decision by U.S. District Judge Sean Jordan, a Trump appointee, over the weekend. If upheld, the decision could impact other Texas public universities, which depend financially on charging higher out-of-state student tuition.
The ruling centers on Texas’ 2001 law allowing undocumented students who have lived in Texas for three years and graduate from a Texas high school to pay in-state tuition.
This recent challenge by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, on behalf of the student organization the Young Conservatives of Texas, could provide a new path forward for some Texas lawmakers who have wanted to eliminate the in-state tuition benefit for undocumented students since at least 2015.
In 2021, a little more than 22,000 students were enrolled in Texas colleges and universities using this benefit.”
Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) - UNT, headed by Kelly Niedert and Stephen Moitz, lead the charge to ensure justice for American students shafted by UNT administration, and hopefully other Texas colleges. It could be argued this group has done more to combat illegal alien incursions than most Texas politicians.

Challenges like this are what Texan conservative youth groups should undertake. Instead of whining about low taxes and free markets ad infinitum (in fact, their overemphasis could be blamed for the GOP’s predicament), more conservative groups must drag colleges and institutions to court, eventually breaking the will to subvert. It is always important to combat Leftist attacks in any way possible.
The Right has a ridiculous tendency to refuse playing hardball with the Left, while being trigger-happy with their own grassroots. When dealing with Leftists bent on destroying America, conservatives often “trust the plan” rather than question narratives, or launch formidable efforts to crush real insurrectionists and occupiers. Conservative voters are deceived to believe Democrat voters are just misinformed, even when their goal is completely destroying America, conservatism, and everything sane and noble. This trait inhibits our ability to wage proper counteroffensives that advance truly Rightist principles.
The courageous students in YCT understand this, and have so far won. Once the entirety of Texan conservatives wake up, we will be unstoppable. Soon, we won’t just make sure illegal aliens do not get special treatment at universities, but we’ll eventually assure they cannot get in at all.
Outstanding news.
This is AWESOME news! If memory serves, this travesty can be traced right back to Rick Perry's time as Governor. It was shocking then, but right in line with his moderate tendencies. It should be ruled unconstitutional along with all forced tax-payer aid to illegals.