Establishment Grifter Delorbe Running for SREC
Previously with the infamous Bumgarner campaign, she's taking her act to Houston
You thought the Houston Convention could not get any more ridiculous; think again. Despite SD12’s having an amazing SREC Representative in Jill Glover, who’s lead the fight to protect Texan children as the Texas GOP’s Legislative Priorities person under Allen West and Matt Rinaldi (getting named an “Advocate for The People” by Texas Scorecard), an establishment candidate entered the race.
Denton GOP precinct chair and former Campaign Manager for Ben Bumgarner, CharlySue Delorbe is running against Glover, with Delorbe’s main campaign plank being “I’m a fighter” (literally John McCain 2.0).
Considering SD12 is already represented by a “strong fighter,” her campaign is nonsensical. One question remains: what really motivates her SREC run? After much research, we think we found two reasons.
1. She Wants Attention
Attention-seeking is a gigantic plague on Texas politics, and something normal people hate. In a now-deleted Facebook post Delorbe admits she has “nothing to lose” with no real goal, merely running because reasons.
She deleted the post, replacing it with the typical overdone selfie-filled garbage permeating establishment and Leftist social media posts.
Incessant selfies are often correlated with mental illness and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Texas politics needs less egotism, not more, and while we understand this is considered acceptable behavior in the political field (explains how the Denton GOP became a dumpster fire), it is not the mark of a great leader.
Worse, Delorbe isn’t even a delegate to the State Convention as she never bothered to turn in her application, and thus cannot vote for herself.
2. Shilling for the Establishment
Looking at Delorbe’s record, she fights for establishment candidates screwing you the people, among them Flower Mound Councilman and Abbott-backed HD 63 nominee Ben Bumgarner.
She even admits it in the flier shown earlier:
“As Precinct Chair in the city of Flower Mound, I made it my mission to form personal working relationships with each of the town council [sic] members.”
Whether these “working relationships” were formed in the streets or the sheets is unknown, but EITHER WAY she confesses to cozying herself with the establishment and is apathetic toward normal people’s concerns. It is understandable considering she was paid over $10,000 to work for Bumgarner during the GOP primary. Is someone paying Delorbe to run for SREC as well?
As a result, she backs people who not only imposed superflu lockdowns more extreme than what Democrats demanded, but supports those behind All Together Flower Mound, a town-backed group promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Of course, Delorbe will defend enabling lockdowners and CRT super-spreaders because they have a magic “R” by their name, although the “R’s” legislate no differently than “D’s,” even promoting gay sex to children.
A person who refuses to hold fellow Republicans accountable for capitulating to the Left will be a terrible leader. Do not excuse her anti-conservative actions as “necessary for Republican growth;” as past Texas GOP Chairman Allen West proved, you can condemn political traitors and make the party stronger. Overall, it is conclusive Delorbe is undeserving of your vote; the establishment must never gain another foothold in our party.