Houston, we don’t have a problem. In great news for Texas Republicans, the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) 2028 Convention will be held in Houston, saving our state’s delegation copious travel expenses. Is there a deeper reasoning behind this decision however?
Normally incompetent RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel was pleased to announce Houston as the upcoming 2028 Convention site. It’s unknown whether McDaniel plans on spending another $75,000 of RNC money on spa services while in Houston (if she’s still Chair.)
Per Texas Tribune:
Houston will host the 2028 Republican National Convention to select the party's presidential nominee for that year.
“I will say the RNC was blown away when we came to Houston,” RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said during a news conference announcing the decision. “The 2028 convention will showcase the very best of Houston, the very best of Texas and the very best of the Republican Party.”
The RNC’s 168 members voted to choose Houston on Friday morning in Milwaukee, the site of next year’s convention and the first Republican primary debate earlier this week. The announcement came uncommonly early — five years before the convention and a year before the 2024 convention.
McDaniel brought up the party’s efforts to reach out to Hispanic voters in the selection of a city in Texas, where conservative Hispanic candidates have progressed in long-time Democratic strongholds in South Texas.
Well, I’m pleased to see the National GOP did something right, choosing a state reliably helping put Republicans in the White House to host a future convention. Nevertheless, we hope Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is either retired, vaxxed and boosted, or booted out by then, considering his abusing flu lockdowns to hoodwink Republicans out of money and venues (the 2020 Texas GOP “Convention” comes to mind.)
While we’re tempted to celebrate this choice, where will Texas be by 2028? Considering Texas is trending bluer, retrograding into another California, this may just be part of the RNC’s habit of hosting national conventions in swing states. By 2028, Texas could actually need help from the national party to keep it red; we sincerely pray this never happens.
Regardless of motive, y’alls truly at Current Revolt plan on providing wall-to-wall coverage of this nearing event. From festivities, to process, to the 2028 Presidential nomination, no highlight goes unreviewed. Besides, we might see that cool Texas ice sculpture guy from a past Texan GOP convention.