Another day, another disappointment. A few days ago, State Chairs and each state’s two RNC Committee folks gathered in (of all places) Dana Point, California to decide who should lead the National GOP. Thankfully, Texas GOP Chair Matt Rinaldi, and Committeeman Robin Armstrong voted to elect someone who was at least competent, and stood a chance at victory: Harmeet Dhillon. Sadly, Committeewoman Toni Anne Dashell voted to safeguard failure (and can be contacted here), backing Ronna Romney McDaniel. After three blackpilling election cycles, conservatives saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
That light turned out to be a freight train, after McDaniel kept her seat with 111 votes, Dhillon got 51 votes, and Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy got 4 (no pillow fights at RNC headquarters). In a nutshell:
How did someone with nothing to her name but incompetence, financial abuses (I don’t think $75,000 on “spa services” is campaign-related), helping the gay lobby grow even larger, earn a majority of elephant party support? Considering multiple outlets showed most Republican voters dislike Mrs. Romney and want her gone, this is more evidence national leadership detests the base.
Besides holding this event in Cringefornia, she’s refused to condemn turncoats like Cornyn, McCarthy, McConnell, and other traitors for backstabbing her party’s voters. The “Good Old Gays” club would rather witness the GOP’s extinction than enthrone someone people want.
Most horrifically, but maybe not surprisingly, Trump ignored us, supporting the same person who did almost nothing during his abandonment by most “Republican” leaders. With primaries coming up, hopefully he repents of his tendency to coddle people who screwed him.
While the Texas GOP’s leadership actually wants total victory, and to purify the ranks from traitors, establishmentards want submission to the donor class and monied interests, even if it means normal Texans get screwed over, and Leftists have an eternal foothold.
While the establishment wants reversion to overmilked pre-Trump talking points of “low taxes, muh constitution, Reagan is God,” ad nauseam, the Texas GOP wants a genuinely right-wing machine that appeals to the same middle-America getting screwed the most by Leftist policies. As numerous studies demonstrate, people care more about cultural matters, social issues, ending lawlessness, and populism than endless bleating about free markets.
Even in 2020, similar patterns held (albeit not enough to override Biden’s late-night ballot stuffing).
There’s two paths set before Texan conservatives: one is merely “progressivism driving the speed limit,” and another actually wants conservative things. While fifth columnists want amnesty, mandatory white bashing, infanticide, child mutilation and sodomy, and the overall Californication of the GOP, we desire conservatism, secure borders, and the secure inviolability of American heritage and its descendants.
Besides, do you want this to be Texas GOP HQ? I don’t think so.
In closing, let’s pay heed to Pat Buchanan, the prophet none dared acknowledge. A former candidate for President, he proselytized an ideology that’s now the backbone of modern America First nationalism. It’s the ideology that in 2016 revived hope once in a dying party, and will hopefully do so again. I believe these desires guide the Texas faithful, will lead us to choose a Texan populist ascension over globalist damnation.
I'm still waiting for Republicans to fulfill their promised to stop Election Fraud.
I would like to see a NEW PARTY FORM! If the Left is going to keep stealing than WHY NOT? It may be a GOOD change and mess with their (both sides) Election Stealing Tactics to give Conservatives a CHANCE!