Abbotts’s globalist involvement is more apparent every day....at least you made me laugh at it!! Good job!

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Guess he’s got lots of ideas for Finland on stuff that DIDN’T work…

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I beg to differ. It is most assuredly the 10 main VOLAGS (All Church related charities) driving these invaders into our country using their latest gateway The Refugee Resettlement Program. I have been telling everyone about this new gateway for years now. You need to get up to speed. These VOLAGS should be targeted with extreme prejudice since they operate as 501C3 tax exempt entities and are getting our tax dollars hand over fist to resettle these turd worlders into our country. The reason these convoys of human parasites don't even bother to cross in hiding is because all they have to do is declare that they are "refugees" for whatever reason and the door and all the free goodies we pay for given to them. They are then assigned a hearing date to determine if they are legitimate regugees or not. How many do you think go to their hearings???

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Go to Ann Corcoran's website on this issue. She has been the top watchdog on Refugee Resettlement and more. Refugee Resettlement Watch and Fraud, Crooks, and Criminals blogs. One of them is suspended because they were putting out too much truth and the other I am not sure about.

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Political solutions grow further and further out of reach. Voooting harder is useless.

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