Thank you for covering this important issue. As someone in tech I follow this issue closely and TBH didn't know that Abbott was buddy buddy with the worst offenders. The abuse is rampant and the only solution is to shut it down.
Sadly, I am one of the victims. And where I live, I'm practically the last American still living here. Completely surrounded by H1B visa workers from india, often 10-20 per apartment, with just mattresses and laptops spread across the floors.
Look at the chain immigration that the gas stations enjoy. One of the largest is FuelMax...To be just a clerk and that company says that it is so specialized that they can only have these people work in that industry and this government say OH, OK!--what is the difference with these visas and when we had migrants here for the ag season of harvest. Most all the seasonal migrants were here for that purpose and returned back home---- Now start looking at how much of taxpayer money goes to the EDC how much is salaries how much is promises of bigger tax base lees tax burden on citizens----all turn out to be lies---never do we pay less to the government but these locals are "my friend" doing his best it is really a hard job so we need to cut them slack they deserve all that money-----not much difference IMO -----remember a while back there was evidence all these household/yard people were also here on those same HB1visas and were not able to change jobs either....Exactly like when the mines had control of government---the miners always owed the company store and never had any way out!!!---
Thank you for covering this important issue. As someone in tech I follow this issue closely and TBH didn't know that Abbott was buddy buddy with the worst offenders. The abuse is rampant and the only solution is to shut it down.
Thanks for the reply! It seems Americans working in tech are affected most by this abuse of H-1B
Sadly, I am one of the victims. And where I live, I'm practically the last American still living here. Completely surrounded by H1B visa workers from india, often 10-20 per apartment, with just mattresses and laptops spread across the floors.
755,000 in a single year is such a totally bananas number.
Look at the chain immigration that the gas stations enjoy. One of the largest is FuelMax...To be just a clerk and that company says that it is so specialized that they can only have these people work in that industry and this government say OH, OK!--what is the difference with these visas and when we had migrants here for the ag season of harvest. Most all the seasonal migrants were here for that purpose and returned back home---- Now start looking at how much of taxpayer money goes to the EDC how much is salaries how much is promises of bigger tax base lees tax burden on citizens----all turn out to be lies---never do we pay less to the government but these locals are "my friend" doing his best it is really a hard job so we need to cut them slack they deserve all that money-----not much difference IMO -----remember a while back there was evidence all these household/yard people were also here on those same HB1visas and were not able to change jobs either....Exactly like when the mines had control of government---the miners always owed the company store and never had any way out!!!---
If I didn't know any better I'd say visit any area Costco and it looks like CostCo is selling Visas. Avoid Saturdays at all cost. #LittleIndia