Did you know you can get into an airport without getting molested by TSA agents? All you have to do is waltz over the border, and take advantage of overwhelmed social services. At El Paso Airport, they are allowed to chill and sleep almost anywhere.

As you saw, people came from all over the globe for this slumber party, and to pillage what remains of America’s necrotic economy. While Joe Brandon is the main culprit, Abbott aided and abetted by refusing to stop the invasion by any means possible (including gunboats); his shipping container “wall” obviously failed.
Abbott knew there would be an invasion into Texas, but clearly did nothing besides whine about the circumstances whilst expecting a participation trophy from megadonors.
Anyhow, we know invaders, anchor bastards in tow, can obtain endless gibsmedats and will embolden Leftists and turncoats like Senator Cornyn in demanding amnesty, which would flip Texas eternally blue. Texas is not solidly red like it once was (Trump won Ohio by larger margins than Texas), and may be the next to fall.

With America’s further descent into gay third world communism, the only clear solutions are either Texas secession (with voting reforms keeping our new republic free), or creating a powerful political machine that must not merely win in 2024, but can ensure nationalist hegemony for generations to come.
On a lighter note, Christmas is days away and these new arrivals might be curious about American traditions. Hopefully, clips like this help newcomers assimilate during the holiday season (if they do not become migrant-cicles with the coming freezing weather).
At least SCOTUS put a stop to the end of 42. They can be shipped right back over the border and have Mexico host them instead.