I have taken a quote directly from the Houston Chronicle's support of this event: "Ironically, the Houston Chronicle wrote this article defending the LGBTQ church having its drag events for kids recently and characterized Christians who disagreed with a church hosting drag events for kids as ‘hateful’.” It DOES NOT MATTER what the Houston Chronicle's opinion of Christians is just because they disagree with a church hosting drag events for kids! What matters is that our one and only true God of this universe, my Heavenly Father, abhors this type of behavior. This is evidenced all over the Bible in the story about Soddom and Gommorah, in Romans, Chapter 1, and in many other scriptures! God is the only one to Whom we shall one day bow our knees when we come before Him and give account for what we have done on this Earth! We should not look to the Houston Chronicle as our spiritual guide through our lives in this world, but give our lives over in faith, confessing the fact that we are sinners, and ask our Heavenly Father to forgive us and save our souls through His sacrificed Son, Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world. In John 14:6: Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." This is Whom we must follow in order to receive eternal life and also to please Jesus and our Heavenly Father as we travel this Earth doing His will. The Houston Chronicle is leading people to sexual perversion and the stealing of the minds of our younger generation who need to attend a God-fearing, God-respecting church which does not pervert the Holy Word of God which it is supposed to put forth--not "drag in" perversion with drag queen BINGO games and other perverted events with which it intends to celebrate! God only help us!
I have taken a quote directly from the Houston Chronicle's support of this event: "Ironically, the Houston Chronicle wrote this article defending the LGBTQ church having its drag events for kids recently and characterized Christians who disagreed with a church hosting drag events for kids as ‘hateful’.” It DOES NOT MATTER what the Houston Chronicle's opinion of Christians is just because they disagree with a church hosting drag events for kids! What matters is that our one and only true God of this universe, my Heavenly Father, abhors this type of behavior. This is evidenced all over the Bible in the story about Soddom and Gommorah, in Romans, Chapter 1, and in many other scriptures! God is the only one to Whom we shall one day bow our knees when we come before Him and give account for what we have done on this Earth! We should not look to the Houston Chronicle as our spiritual guide through our lives in this world, but give our lives over in faith, confessing the fact that we are sinners, and ask our Heavenly Father to forgive us and save our souls through His sacrificed Son, Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world. In John 14:6: Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." This is Whom we must follow in order to receive eternal life and also to please Jesus and our Heavenly Father as we travel this Earth doing His will. The Houston Chronicle is leading people to sexual perversion and the stealing of the minds of our younger generation who need to attend a God-fearing, God-respecting church which does not pervert the Holy Word of God which it is supposed to put forth--not "drag in" perversion with drag queen BINGO games and other perverted events with which it intends to celebrate! God only help us!
Figures it's Houston (Katy, Tx). Home of Jason Vaughn. Typical.
Make Millstones Popular Again (MMPA)!