Based Texan Judge Overturns Healthcare Subsidies for Gay Orgies
The right to party is not in the constitution.
Texas Federal judge Reed O’Connor has ruled that a 2020 mandate requiring health insurance plans to cover PrEP treatments is unconstitutional.
A federal judge in Fort Worth agreed Wednesday with a group of Christian conservatives that Affordable Care Act requirements to cover HIV prevention drugs violate their religious freedom.
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor also agreed that aspects of the federal government’s system for deciding what preventive care is covered by the ACA violates the Constitution.
The lawsuit was filed in 2020 by Austin attorney Jonathan Mitchell, the legal mind behind Texas’ civilly enforced six-week abortion ban. In the suit, Mitchell also challenges the entire framework through which the federal government decides what preventive services get covered.
For those not in the know, PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for AIDS. It is used almost exclusively by homosexuals that want to engage in unsafe promiscuous anal sex with multiple sex partners. They hope that taking PrEP will allow them to continue their depraved lifestyle without contracting AIDS. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in the gay community, as we have written before.
And here we have an ad for Descovy. Pay careful attention to the people in the ad. What kind of customer are they targeting?
Now perhaps you, dear reader, are of the mindset: “I don’t care what they do in their bedrooms behind closed doors.”
For the moment, let’s set aside ongoing child-grooming. Even if you are of the I-don’t-care perspective, what you may not realize is that you are paying for their lifestyle, which is in fact a very expensive lifestyle. If you have any form of health insurance, you are subsidizing this lifestyle. Even if you have religious objections to this lifestyle, you are forced to subsidize it.
Under a 2020 mandate by U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) must cover PrEP. Let’s have a look at how much PrEP costs.
That’s $2,100 per month! And that is just for a prophylactic. This is for people that don’t even have AIDS yet. Think back to how leftists baselessly demonized the unvaccinated for supposedly imposing costs on others. Yet, they remain silent about how a certain community that is only 2% of the population is imposing massive costs on the other 98%.
If you ever wondered why your health insurance premiums keep rising. Well, this is why.
If you ever wondered why there was such a hard push for gay marriage, contrary to the wishes of voters in Our Democracy, this is also why. Once they got the ability to “marry,” they got the tax benefits of filing as married (which results in a tax cut for most households), and they also got access to family health insurance plans. After gay marriage, they began to put their sex-buddies on their family health plans. And you pay for all this!
As Trump would say, They are laughing at us! They are laughing!
Is this an inkling that there may be some pushback against this massive scam? Dr. Steven Hotze argued that he does not want to pay for PrEP on his employees’ health insurance on account of his religious beliefs.
In the complaint, Hotze said he is unwilling to pay for a health insurance plan for his employees that covers HIV prevention drugs such as Truvada and Descovy, known generally as PrEP, “because these drugs facilitate or encourage homosexual behavior, which is contrary to Dr. Hotze’s sincere religious beliefs.”
This was only possible because of Trump-appointed Judge Reed O’Connor, who is a true Texas hero. Back in January, he granted an injunction to Navy SEALs that refused Biden’s forced-vax.
A federal district judge granted a preliminary injunction Monday against the enforcement of the Department of Defense’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate against U.S. Navy SEALs.
Texas-based judge Reed O’Connor noted in his order that RFRA specifically provides the, “Government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.”
And back in 2021 he ruled that Texas employers with religious objections do not have to hire open homosexuals.
A federal judge in Texas has just ruled that businesses that say they’re religious and churches can fire LGBTQ people, chipping away at the protections granted by the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton Co.last year.
The case was brought by long-time anti-LGBTQ activist Stephen Hotze’s management firm, Braidwood Management Inc., which he said was a “Christian” management firm.
Now thanks to the Houston native, Judge O’Connor, we might get some relief from Bideninflation. We can only hope this relief is not overturned by higher courts. We need it.
It’s always nice when these judges can break through their law school brainwashing and slow down the lawless destruction of America, and a win is a win and Reed O’Connor is delivering a lot of common sense wins.
Texas will make America Great Again!
May it be so.