Wow. Wow. Wow.

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After all of that, it is stunning that Bryan won't resign. What could he be thinking?

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Picture an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

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I expect he will resign Monday. But if he doesn't, he will be ejected Tuesday. Surely he can see the writing on the wall, now....

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He was one of the top 5 best conservatives in the TX politics, as far as I could tell. One of the 3 to vote against Dade Phelan for Speaker. I imagine most of the folks in politics are sleazeballs that do much of the same and get away with it. How much of this has to do with Slaton being a thorn in people's side?

Oh well. I guess we can't have nice things. Que Sera Sera.

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The hypocrisy of Dade Phelan and Co. is truly ASTOUNDING 😐 yeah, I said it.

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Sad for the girl involved .... sad for her family..... and sad to lose a conservative vote in the House. There are so few of them.

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WE NEED TO FIGHT BACK CAUSE BOTH SIDES HAVE SKELETONS! But for some reason the Conservatives need to fight back n quit letting one side push people out. Granted this case a little different... but there's a pattern with the left getting people ousted!

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Does anyone else find the timing of this odd? I’ve never been on the Slaton bandwagon but here we are about to have one of the most conservative sessions in Texas history and we lose our stalwart the minute it counts? He didn’t fight it at all. He admitted to EVERYTHING. IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. Why not resign like the the congressman with the isis bride did? Why put the shame and burden on the GOP then admit to it like it’s normal?

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What’s more is the fact that all of the whistle blowers are anonymous. No one stands on their claims. Their stories don’t even match up n several places. I smell a rat. It’ll come out sooner or later.

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What? You clearly didn’t read the report. The women were interviewed in person.

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His.poor wife. How embarrassing for her.

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