Earlier today, Robin Ryan, the Superintendent of Grapevine-Colleyville ISD (GCISD), announced he is retiring at the end of the school year. His tenure has been wrought with controversy, poor governance and poor academic performance.
Sources say Ryan has been locked in a power struggle with his new conservative board for a few years now and it seems he’s finally throwing in the towel.
During his time in GCISD, Ryan is accused of hiring aggressively leftist principals, like the notorious James Whitfield, and other known leftist teachers and admin.
Lisa Grimes, the administrator caught on video wishing “all the conservative parents would get COVID and die” allegedly was one of his supporters.
Instead of punishing her and firing her for cause, which she deserved, he allowed her to quietly resign. She’ll now be able peddle her garbage ideologies in another school district.
In May of 2022, the GCISD community flipped their school board and the writing was on the wall for Ryan.
According to popular school ranking site School Digger, the results of Ryan’s tenure in GCISD have been a decade of declining performance and school rankings in hopes of achieving “equity”.
We took a look at GCISD’s web page and he openly touts his equity agenda and it’s goals.
From his Superintendent Objectives:
We received a document from an Open Records Request in which the GCISD Diversity Advisory Council put forth a recommendation to make sure certain groups (Whites and Asians) weren’t “over-represented” in advanced academics:
Also from the GCISD website is Ryan’s Portrait of a Graduate:
Global citizen huh?
In education, the term is most often used to describe a worldview or a set of values toward which education is oriented (see, for example, the priorities of the Global Education First Initiative led by the Secretary-General of the United Nations).
You’ll notice there’s no mention of academic achievement or excellence in his “Portrait of a Graduate”.
Next on the site is LEAD 2021, which appears to be Ryan’s 10 year plan that ran from 2011-2021.
All students will be positive participants in their local communities and our global society.
There’s that global society again. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is also very focused on our “global society”.
It’s an incredible coincidence that the education goals in GCISD align so closely with the WEF’s goals.
LEAD 2021 also, coincides directly with the academic decline of the district.
Last year, upon the completion of LEAD 2021, he announced LEAD 2.0 (now with even more equity).
The Whole Child School was developed by the CDC
Notice where the community and family fit in this picture? It ain’t the center.
The idea is to pull kids away from their families (both immediate and extended) and make them look to the state as a parent instead.
This is all just repackaged communist programming and it appears to have been the sole focus of the GCISD Superintendent for past 12 years.
What these leftists, like Robin Ryan, are planning is not a secret. In fact, they are openly discussing their goals. Everything posted above was made available by him on the districts website.
They don’t really care if your child learns anything; what’s more important is that no student ever feels bad because another student is smarter than them. The ultimate goal of this equity agenda is that no one learns anything more than the lowest IQ student.
During the August board meeting, new policies (developed by the conservative trustees) were implemented. These policies were designed to eliminate much of what Ryan had “accomplished” over the last decade.
We watched the video recording of this meeting on YouTube and Ryan could barely muster the energy to present the new policies to the board and community.
These new policies removed discriminatory “equity” programs and curriculum (like CRT). They also banned all the weird sexual ideologies from being taught by rogue teachers at the schools.
This was the final nail in Robin Ryan’s coffin.
It’s a big victory for the families in GCISD and throughout Texas. There’s still along way to go to oust this stuff entirely from the schools, but this is a strong step forward.
GCISD has been leading the conservative charge across the state and they are showing districts around the state how to finally WIN!
This needs to happen in Frisco. Academics have become less important while equity, porn in the libraries, boys in girls bathrooms/locker rooms, and wanting to know from parents if they store their guns safely becomes more important. I wish they would just teach our kids to read, write and do math.
‘Bittersweet’ only for him. And wow on the IQ levels. They’re educating future drug dealers if they stick to this plan. Where’s the Texas Education Agency?