The president for republican women in Cameron and conservatives club is siding with little aron and supporting him to get grahm out calling the women all liars. This people is why we are all leaving the party

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Notice that they had to lose in order to be “rejected”

You have to admit, Democrats cancel them, Republicans defend it.

When a Republican is accused, they argue credibility. Dems just cancel them.

They’re NOT the same.

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If there has been gossip since 2015 since Dan Patrick and nothing has changed--I would certainly give lots of credibility to those that won't come forward seeing first hand what has been done to conservatives lives if the Texas GOP come after you which is not much different that the biden administration. Now to learn that the party is willing to overlook these activities because he has some superpower tells me even more. I know that the party has no place at their table for us Conservatives us Constitutionalists us Christians us grassroots that want better. I no long support the party but choose to support the candidate directly since my voice and my money are connected.

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The people like the Peñas are always calling themselves what you do and quoting Bible ha

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Same that I hear from family in ElPaso about the O'Rouke family. No one cares about people and what is happening in average lives.

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Excellent reporting!

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No your innocent until proven poor.

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The reason nothing is reported is because he happens to be of one of the favored minority groups replacing American workers by the UniParty Cartel that controls Texas.. He represents ALL that is wrong with the Mexican culture (ie: look at Mexico) which they have brought to our country with all its unacceptable baggage( bribes, intimidation,crime, gangbangers, welfare parasites & womanizing). All cultures have their good and bad traits and in the hispanic culture too many of those bad traits are elevated to prestige status.

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All this on Pena but everyone is just gonna pretend to be ignorant about the YR pediatric nightmare called Jason Vaughn?

Selective outrage.

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Don't let them pretend ignorance.

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And don't let Jason on campaigns or around minors.

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Good job changing subject what about us in Hidalgo? You change the subject just like Adriene and aron and joacim and try to make it about others especially Jason when laundry comes up

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Does anybody actually assume that Tony had anything on me he wouldn’t of ran with it? Folks hide behind fake names to spread lies. Wonder who it could be? Lol

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Yes, a TON of us know you and your preferences. You will be caught soon enough. And anyone that enabled you and your fetishes and turned a blind eye will be ruined along with you.

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As best I can tell, we need more political leaders like Morgan Graham.

{More great work by the Current Revolt staff.}

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

Typical Republican behavior, they fight and defend their perverts. Look at Matt Gaetz, Gorsuch, Trump, Roy Moore, Jim Jordan, etc. there is a “type” that’s drawn to the party. Their hypocrisy is exhausting.

It’s up to the voters to send these people back to hell.

Republicans defend and fight for their perverts.

Democrats throw them away.

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And the Democrat Pancho that dropped a baggie of cocaine on the tarmac? Did the Dems fire him? No.

And don't get me started on Beto. Lmao.

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No one is defending him. The Republican Party is typically quite vocal about unethical and unlawful actions by the people who commit them demanding resignation and begging voters to vote them out.

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DemocRATS embrace all criminality and sick behaviors. As usual DemocRATS (you) try and project your own lawless, sick proclivities on others. BTW, why not include the women in your denouncement of the men you mentioned?? Women who go after married men should be equally denounced for their bad behavior. You just have an agenda to promote. A leftist one.

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I’ll add a woman, VALOREE SWANSON and the other is LACEY HULL. Oh wait, Current Revolt already covered them. Lol

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"Democrats throw them away.." —Hugh.

You're not serious, right? Your statement is unequivocal. Again, are you being serious or tongue-in-cheek?

If 'Hugh' is serious, here's the problem. Democrats and Republican parties have too many perverts, scoundrels, cheats, and worthless thugs. We do not need that element within any public office position. You might say, well good luck with that, but I believe it's possible if we do a much better job of vetting.

That's why I like solid, hard-hitting, unbiased journalists.

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Ask Cuomo, Al Franken, etc. Dems have a history of getting rid of these people.

Republicans most always call the accusers liars.

Have t you noticed when a Republican gets accused they always call their victims liars?

Dems don’t do that, we cancel the hell out of these people.

They’re not the same.

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I do NOT recall Hillery Clinton calling her husband out. Instead, she called out as liars the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexually abusing them. She treated them very uglily before the world! And these women were proved to be truthful!

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You had to go ALLLLLL the way back to the 90s for this one.

Find me a modern example of Republicans believing victims and supporting them.

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Thanks for your opinion, Hugh. No reason for me to list all of the Republican/GOP politicians that have resigned or 'primary-ed' because they were rotten to the core. All political parties have way too many.

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She didn’t defend , she was one trying to stop him

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No one said she defended him, she’s a minority in that toxic party.

This is all typical Republican behavior

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Hugh, is your last name Janus?

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{{{crickets}}} to Janus & Buck

Bob Beto, that you?

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Ed Buck?

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Gordon Bombay

The Republican Party in the valley is very hush hush about stuff like this bc they think it helps protect them from attacks from the Democratic Party but in reality, it keeps young ppl from wanting to join the Republican Party's efforts and for the ones that do join, they don’t last bc they become demoralized (especially the young women) bc of creeps like him. When no one says anything, creeps like him get to use their political influence without fear of retaliation. If all these brave women are coming forward about this creep, just imagine how many women he must’ve done this to and who were too afraid to say anything. Shame on the valleys Republican Party for not calling out this kind of behavior. If he’s okay with doing this, there are definitely others.

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The people hiding story say they bible verses all the time like the Peñas not the GOP

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no county in the Valle is like hidalgo gop we are now going to cameron gop now because of this people. We don’t support this things and this people they love money and control

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To be fair, in this country one is supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. These women should file charges aginst him and let all the details come out in court.

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They gonna be even worse to Grahm they hate her already I would hrear it from them all the time calling her bitch and goody shoes just like they do things to any of us who speak against there wrongs! english is not my native language i am trying I am mad

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This is republican behavior EVERYWHERE!

Don’t forget when Trump & Co were defending pedophile Roy Moore in Alabama. Their excuse to support him was “The Virgin Mary was 14!!”

They’re sick people

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Was Roy Moore charged ??? Did he get jailed because last I heard pedophaelia is still a crime in as much as you perv dems want to make child abuse leagal. MCAL will likely one day be your call to arms in ur sick Party.

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