What I have seen within the TX Repub Party since I first got involved and became Precicnct Chair has been an unrelenting attack against the conservative base in Texas by the Establishment swamp rats who enjoyed their status quo power until the America First crowd bludgeoned their way into the GOPe inner sanctum disrupting their GOPe/Libertarian destructive positions . We are in a civil war right now and frankly, it was long past due. I pray America First and the conservatives win the day in Texas or you can kiss our State goodbye.
I put some of this text through Grammarly for Windows and it found some work-arounds, but still used "factional kerfuffles."
What I have seen within the TX Repub Party since I first got involved and became Precicnct Chair has been an unrelenting attack against the conservative base in Texas by the Establishment swamp rats who enjoyed their status quo power until the America First crowd bludgeoned their way into the GOPe inner sanctum disrupting their GOPe/Libertarian destructive positions . We are in a civil war right now and frankly, it was long past due. I pray America First and the conservatives win the day in Texas or you can kiss our State goodbye.