The infamous Texas town of Southlake is back in the news, proving once again that they are the tip of the spear for common sense conservatism.
During yesterday’s meeting of Southlake Carroll ISD (CISD) board of trustees, a resolution was put forward to officially denounce the proposed changes to Title IX put forth by the Joe Biden administration in Washington’s District of Criminals.
Speeches supporting the resolution were given by Board President Cameron Bryan, and board members Andrew Yeager and Alex Sexton. (5:48)
The motion carried 6-0.
What the Biden administration is doing is redefining XX and XY to whatever to whatever you want to identify as. That is a very very dangerous precedent and this school district and this board will fight to make sure our daughters and girls are protected from boys entering bathrooms, locker rooms, and (eventually girls sports). That’s not going to happen here. We’re taking a stance. - CISD President Cameron Bryan
Title IX changes were introduced on April 19th and take place in August of this year.
The new guidance, which takes effect in August, expands protections for LGBTQ+ students and adds new safeguards for victims of sexual assault.
Under the new rule, sex discrimination includes discrimination based on gender identity as well as sexual orientation. A school must not separate or treat people differently based on sex, except in limited circumstances.
President Brandon and his Department of Education are committed to promoting the agenda of infinity genders and weird pronoun usage. This policy change by President Brandon puts young girls at risk by allowing young men who pretend to be girls access to female-only places and continues to degrade female sports.
This wouldn’t be the first time Carroll ISD has led in preserving normalcy in their Texas schools. We’ve covered several of their votes as well as the quality of their teachers.
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Carroll ISD has taken a firm stance against these changes. We imagine other ISDs may follow suit.