For his first bill this session, Rep. Lynn Stucky filed HB 1938, claiming it would end child grooming in schools. After reading it, we concluded that was a lie.
Like most Austin smokescreens, this one is yet another dud (and perhaps something worse.) We have two principal critiques.
Firstly, The bill claims parents will obtain the right to take kids out of diddler schools, and it’ll be at the school’s expense. However, pulling kids out of school has always been our indisputable right (why do you think enrollments plunged after lockdowns and face diaper mandates,) and Stucky ignores a key fact: Neomarxist ideologues don’t care about money more than they desire mentally molesting children, and indoctrinating them to hate their heritage, nation, and biology. These automatons gladly obey what Leftist talking heads demand without question.
Secondly (and worst of all), there’s no punishment for groomers. Noticing the bill’s definition of “grooming” includes “efforts to desensitize children to sexual experiences” involving adults, the bill thus allows pedophiles to roam pro-groomer schools. Basically, Stucky takes the approach of “if you don’t like perverts accessing and influencing your children, just go to another school;” all this despite conservatives paying taxes to fund this school, and having just as much right to use them. What’ll inevitably result is normal people getting isolated by society, while subhuman demoniacs are allowed to run wild and destroy everything our ancestors gave us to inherit, without Right-wing opposition.
Sadly, many lolbertarians and so-called “conservatives” defend this idiocy as a wholesome compromise because of an aversion to state power because “something something small government,” even if their own children get victimized as a result. Make no mistake; actual conservatives favor the use of state power to protect their nation and its future, and safeguarding little ones from degenerates is very Christian (Mark 9:42). Failure to do so is affront to God and country, and our refusal to empty our institutions of subverters, and retreat instead, is why we’ve been fighting an uphill battle. Many such as Desantis in Florida understand this, and his move to “stop the spread” of deviancy by any means necessary is why he’s grown in strength.

Replace “federal power” with “state government power,” but you get the point. Only two people benefit from HB 1938: sickos and Education Commissioner Mike Morath. This bill gives the latter more oversight that’ll only let him enforce school grooming. Prepare for further self-adulation from Morath, considering his only achievement is hearing himself talk (at the expense of concerned parents testifying.)
As all observed over the past decades, retreat never works. Unless you want to ensure Texas is fully surrendered to the LGBTQP agenda, and potentially set the perfect precedent to legalize pedophilia (on school grounds), HB 1938 must die in the Legislature. If this passes, our already besieged schools will worsen.
Never leaving you discouraged, we’d like to assure you: there’s more for us than against us (2 Kings 6:16). Even with local snafus, conservatives (and sane people at-large) are fighting back and gaining ground against those seeking to abuse and pollute their children; we’re more redpilled than ever before. Besides, weirdos have no place tone policing us; I think comedian and ex-Pentecostal Pastor Sam Kinison put it best.
“I solved the problem by giving more power to an unelected bureaucrat.” Wow thank you so much cucky. This will really shake things up.
We MUST PROTECT our children at all costs! Ty for breaking this down and bringing to our attention! I'm going to go read the Bill now and call and write our Representatives, once I research myself and can argue intelligently! I wouldn't of known about this if not for your shining light! BE Blessed and Ty again!