Education Hearing Hijacked by Paid Parasites
A Texas Capitol meeting for parents to air concerns was undermined by Austin bureaucrats
Democrats aren’t the only ones using the back door. Grassroots activists from all over Texas discovered almost every invite spot for a Texas Capitol education hearing was filled with friends of politicians and political appointees, all under cover of obscurity at the last second.
As seen in the below lists, mostly people profiting off the current indoctrination system were invited to speak. Not many citizens got a chance.
14 panels were set to speak before citizens were allowed to give their input. Most panels had 3 to 4 speakers each with unlimited time. Testimony began at 10am but special interest panels did not finish until 8:30pm.
Mike Morath, commissioner of education appointed by Abbott, was allowed to speak on 3 different agenda items back to back due to the committee switching up said agenda to accommodate him.
We’re told activists reached out to state reps Jared Patterson, Matt Shaheen, and Brian Harrison, who all said there was nothing they could do to help.
Hardly any parents or activists personally combating school perversions were given the opportunity to speak, and most “education” officials just babble about how great of a job they do. If this is not stacking the deck, I do not know what is.
Generally speaking, as long as our state reps get paid, invited to the standard political parties with donors, and keep their comfy desk job to avoid normal people, they could care less about Texan children. Even with Neomarxist indoctrination, and grooming by the pervert community (it explains children’s monkeypox cases).
Does this really stun anyone though; with accountability lacking for “public servants,” electorally or systemically, they obey special interest’s demands and allow the mental sodomy of children. Overall, primary voter’s incumbent idolatry let board members who should be jailed for promoting the delinquency of minors keep their seats.
We should continue to anticipate the further degradation of our schools. If you aren’t actively protesting the indoctrination of our children, you lose your right to complain when your kid comes home worshiping Satan, wanting you dead for “whiteness,” hating their country, and axing their genitals because they think IQ deficiencies constitute new genders.
Nowadays, the supposedly center-Left New York Times roots for cannibalism normalization; with the slippery slope’s trajectory, who knows what “compromises” Leftists will demand next.
On a semi-topical note, it really irritates us when people whine about true conservatives not having the power to influence change, especially when such complaints emanate from those with means. Instead of blubbering about fighting traitors being hard, start your own “march through the institutions.”
With the amount of flailing established news-rags, you think someone could buy them out and use them to shift public awareness in the correct direction; there is better use for donor-class billions than bar-hopping and bimbo chasing. For those without means, keep showing up to hearings and school board meetings; this alone (along with voting in School Board) results in numerous victories, including Fredericksburg ISD. Remember, your descendants will thank you for protecting them from perverts, and every kid saved from groomers is a victory.
Very good article!
To go along with that, here is what Cornyn has in store for us:
“The Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), US Senate bill S.879, is an alarming initiative that needs to be stopped before a possible vote at the end of July. CSDA is basically Common Core for civics, offering millions of dollars in federal grants to bribe school districts to accept nationalized civics standards and curricula. The especially worrisome part is that the standards and curricula are embedded with Critical Race Theory. There is the usual problem, of course: ranking Republican senators (John Cornyn from Texas, etc.) who are clueless about what this entails but think it’s a great way to reach across the aisle and make themselves look bipartisan.”
The end of July is here