Great interview! Extremely informative.

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On a final note. If we don’t endorse local non-partisan races then we do not get officials that represent the CCGOP and GOP values. That is the reason we are in the situation we are now with some of our local elected officials. Unfortunately, you need to support the best candidate with what they need to win which does not happen with the CCGOP. If there are only 2 Republicans running (no DemocRATS) then that is where you may not endorse if they are equivalent. If there is a DemocRATS then you must endorse and try to dissuade the weaker Republicans candidate to drop out so you don’t split the votes and lose.

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Ellen has nothing to do with the SoS complaint against Shelby.

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I believe value could mean money or position so I believe Shelby is wrong. Like I said earlier he is innocent until proven guilty.

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If I see anyone at the polls that say anything about the criminal investigation, I will say something. Shelby is innocent until proven guilty.

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I am sure Ellen said that sarcastically. I know that’s how I would have said it. Not the same thing.

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Besides the backdoor stuff, I don’t agree with Shelby’s entire platform.

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PCs do talk to the average Republican voter if they are doing their job. They are probably the closest to the average Republican Voter.

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I believe that had John notified the EC that he had decided not the run for chair when he knew in November and that he was going to recommend and endorse Shelby that we would not be having the issues we are having now. This would have given candidates time to make their decision and get prepared. John fully intended to install Shelby as the Chair had people not been at the HQ office and witnessed the balloons and photographer to take pictures of Shelby turning in his paperwork. This is not politics- this is wrong and shows lack of character and integrity.

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I believe that the CCGOP should be endorsing candidates in local races and need to use our influence to discourage multiple R candidates from running which splits the votes. Even though these races are non-partisan they really are not if we want to take back our schools and local offices. The CCGOP endorsement means nothing unless they help the people they endorse.

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The Howard and Ellen votes were not Shelby votes so Ellen likely would have won but I would have to do the calculations.

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My initial problem with Shelby was the backdoor way he got on the ballot. It has more to do with John not telling the EC that he was not going to run which he and I believe Shelby knew in November - worth confirming the timeline. John had the support of the EC and therefore the thought was he was running and would likely be unopposed. This is not politics, it a character and integrity issue.

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The reason the text thread keeps coming up is because Shelby keeps posting about it and claiming he is a victim.

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The text thread published misses the stuff from the previous day. It also says that Ellen has more time and therefore would be able to spend more time a HQ and would be given credit for what she does and to be fair Shelby would get credit for what he does.

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Can you send it because I’ve been asking for it for months and nobody will send it but Ellen supporters keep crying about it

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Let me see what I can do.

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