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Sadly, too many people think it's okay to skirt the law if it benefits them. For a man who seeks the office of Senator to start off by lying to the voters tells us what type of elected official he would make. A Senator is part of the legislative branch, which is responsible for enacting laws in the state. Why should anyone obey the laws enacted by a legislative body if the legislators themselves connive to find ways around the law?

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Bob- the candidate is required to live in the district one year before taking office. Anyone can run from any district. I am surprised that you joined in this ridiculous false morality. Haven't you noticed that all the proven conservatives are being attacked by this group? As Lacey Riley said in her campaign she is attacking republicans not democrats.

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Kathleen, according to the story, he rented an office and used the address as his residence. Are you saying that he actually lived in the district, and had an office there for at least a year? Then, you're saying the story is false. If so, he should have documentation that he has lived in the district for at least a year. One must ask, if he has such evidence, why not use it as proof in order to quash the story?

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It's "Beyond" me how anyone with any common sense would believe Brent actually lives in that building. You can tell by the look on her face that she's lying. Shame on him for now roping others into his scam. Fake meat for a fake candidate.

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What is beyond reason is that you believe this - try to understand that you are being misled. Candidates can run for any district no matter where they live. They are required to live in the district where they win the election for one year before taking office. This office wont be taken until 2025. Yet, this propaganda site misled you using you like a pawn.

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Beyond Burger 😆

If you can’t run in your own district, then don’t run, Brent. Loser

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Great work!

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So putting homeless people or gasp...asylum seekers... in office buildings would be legal and okay in Texas?

From the above form: I understand that giving false information...is perjury...

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He’s gonna need that tp if he eats those beyond burgers.

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This is misleading. Please clarify. Candidates are not required to live in the district they run for office. They are required to live in the district they win one year before taking office. The taking of the office is in 2025. My question to you and the misled - What is your real goal here? It isnt truth is it? These are the facts One Year Before Taking Office

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