Governor Greg Abbott went to war with DEI and promised to “purge” the woke from every aspect of public life in his exciting State of the State speech on Sunday. Abbott, who many people are now saying is based and red-pilled, proclaimed there are two genders, and that woke government employees should be fired and sent back to the dark corners of Reddit.
Immediately after declaring war on woke and DEI, Abbott bizarrely pivoted into highlighting an 18 year-old female welder.
If that wasn’t strange enough, Abbott finished the point by saying that more women doing welding is exactly why we need to pass school choice!
After laying out his vision where all young girls graduate high school and go work in the oil fields, Abbott had a few more words for woke leftists, saying college professors pushing woke-agendas have too much influence over hiring. He then demanded legislation to ban this, because it is woke. It sounded like Abbott was talking about banning affirmative action, which is very woke, but it was not clear what he meant exactly.
Abbott then called for a DEI purge!
Also noteworthy was Abbott’s suggestion that illegal aliens detained by police should be designated a flight risk and turned over to ICE.
In addition to rooting out woke individuals and firing them from all government jobs, Abbott also listed 7 emergency items that he wants passed during the 89th Session.
Property tax relief (every session)
Massive water infrastructure investment
Raising teachers pay (except the woke ones I guess)
Expanding career training (women in welding)
An education savings account program (school choice)
Bail reform (every session)
Creating a Texas Cyber Command
Current Revolt is my go-to source for all the latest commentary on the nation's female welder shortage.
Until the state gets serious about the electric grid, everything else may soon be akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Imagine all of Abbott's great ideas but we are living in the 17th century, then you get my drift.