Maybe it was emotional… The Gun was loaded but he wasn’t. Could it been the frustration of shooting blanks is why he was trying target practice in front of the screen? Was he a lefty shooter too? At 51, things happen when you’re trying be woke. Sometimes it’s broke.

I recommend a healthy dose of testosterone when romancing the bone and clearly a box of Hornady Daddy Pills…

His picture looks like he’s still holding himself. It is Travis County, was he even cuffed, or already found in the bracelets as well.

It’s all Paxton’s Fault anyway. Sometimes at 51 you just get back to being 13 when you flick the bean, and access codes get a little difficult on the RoKu Remote. (All the things you have to hold with only 2-hands)

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Everything about this comment is underrated.

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He fits the typical m.o. of so many DemocRATS. They like or are predators/groomers(aka tranny or homo)They behave criminally or like criminal behavior and exalt it. AND they usually are butt-ugly and bitter looking with hatred oozing from their pores . Demon posessed??? More than likely since they also hate everything related to a Christian God. I would also like to add that PORN should NEVER have been granted 1st Amendment protections since it has been proven time and again to sicken people and create sick addicts like this one in your article. PORN should be banned and prosecuted aggressively with extreme prejudice.

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I sometimes may or may not carry a .38 special s&w airweight loaded with .38 Hornady hollow point. Not my fav to shoot, only accurate within about 5 yards, and only holds 5 shots but I’m not an old west fantasist and hardly a dem. More than happy to assign the other stuff to “only a dem”.

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Typical Dem.

That said I take offense at the revolver comments.

I have several in 22 WMR, 357 and 44 magnum.

Revolvers are good for self defense.

Notably a wheelgun doesn't go out of battery if you have a close encounter at bad breath distance and literally have to poke it into a bad guy.

Then you smirk at 38 caliber:

#1 - would YOU want to get shot with it?

#2 - perhaps you aren't aware that if a gun is chambered in 38 it cannot chamber 357?

Not to mention there are many lightweight small 38's like the Ruger LCR that are easier to carry than even a micro 9?

Then if they are so "old west" why has Colt, S&W, Ruger and Taurus continue to sell a boatload of these "obsolete" guns?

How much do you REALLY know about guns?

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