I'm an election judge and inspector. Going with precinct level voting, all paper ballots, and getting rid of early voting and maybe just doing 3 days and a row to vote... Like a Thursday Friday Saturday. But if we can't achieve something like that and we're stuck with the machines then I think we should: rework the voting machine so that it spits out not only the original ballot your handed but also 3 more... One that goes in the DS200, one that goes in a sealed bin for the RPT, one for the DPT, and one for the voter to keep themselves. This way each individual county party can do their own audit immediately... And it's not put on the candidate to pay for. The RPT and DPT can cross check each other to see if there are inconsistencies with this DS200 counts. You could quickly identify where an inconsistency is because it's all being done on a precinct level.

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I agree with your beginning option . BTW, I am for just a single day of voting like it has always been. Super Tuesday. Less likelyhood of multiple days of cheating and also keeps the politicians on their toes because they won't know who has voted and who hasn't which means less lying push cards and mailers and less chance for their pay to play enablers like the Link Letter, Stuart & Cathy Lane Green Postcard of business as usual choices, etc.

When you know your argument is valid and has merit NEVER end it with a "but" I will settle for this instead because at that point you just conceded the battle and given your politicians an out. And believe me, they are always looking for an out.

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I'm not conceding the battle Sarah. Did you know that with the current two weeks of early voting and an election day, only approximately 18% of Dallas County registered voters...vote. Make that single day and see what happens. Now... If you want to fight on Capitol Hill for the next 25 years trying to get a national day of mandatory voting, Go for it. I'd love to see that...I just know the reality of this battle and the power on both sides. I'm looking for obtainable solutions that even Democrats could get behind WITHOUT COMPROMISING OUR PARTY PLATFORM.

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Mostly, county wide voting must go, for many reasons. Texas Hand Counts has more info on a movement to return to hand counting and getting rid of the electronic poll pads. Another big issue is registering through the DMV. Just go through the usual route of registering.

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I do not agree with releasing certain individual’s ballots as has been done. The political “gotcha” game of revealing individual voting records is beneath what needs to be accomplished here and a destructive way of doing this. Texas elections must be auditable as in Full Forensic Audits - Arizona style. To accomplish this there are several things including returning to in-precinct voting with paper ballots and hand counts. All BMD’S, POLL PADS and other equipment must be banned since they are used nefariously by people and programs. We must get back to focusing on the 3 P’s - people, programs and paper. We also should stop early voting and mail-in voting with two exceptions: deployed military and persons who are house bound and have severe disabilities.

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They are worried their ballots will show us what traitors they are. Like the Libertarianoid Rinaldi and the outed DemocRAT. We should have full transparency of our politicians ballots if they are available so we know whether they voted true or not.

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My understanding is that it is easy to do if you don’t vote in your precinct and someone knows the location you voted.

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