Jan 18Liked by Current Revolt

Thank you Vampire Hunter.

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There is definitely a plague in child related crime which coincides with our having granted the PORN INDUSTRY first Amendment protections. We should ALL be demanding a total ban on porn and you will see all sorts of crime stats drop dramatically. Why is noone making the connection I wonder?? Also check this link out for more details on Pizzagate. https://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/liz-crokin-vampire-hunter-episode-07b

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I hope A&M administration opens their eyes and fires this POS!

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Why can't people go after 18 and older? Why are they wanting kids? Are they that insecure that they feel like can't handle an equal? Man...so many parents out there did a s***** job raising their kids!

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the affidavit of his actions are definitely disgusting, couldn't read all of it. Praying he finds Jesus.

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Brazos County DA candidate Maritza is not pleased at FBI control of this case. The tumbler account crosses State lines, to give Feds upper hand. TAMU will aggressively fine anyone using the TAMU logo's without permission, yet this pervert identifies himself as ATXAGGIE and still has a TAMU Systems job?

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I was a new member in a church and wanted to give a presentation to the young parents with kids in public schools about sex ed and sexual advances by teachers in the classroom. The preacher and staff didn't reply to my repeated requests. I got the picture . In my church that I had just left, I asked the preacher to give the same type of presentation. He told me I was not going to use his church members for political purposes. So, one of main reasons I think that this filth has invaded our schools is that parents are not warned by preachers who are into money and membership. The school administration doesn't seem to care either.

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Someone should publish this in the local paper in college station, Texans don't stand for this sort of thing.

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