She's not wrong about the spinelessness of the GOP, however, she somehow forgets that the spinelessness also includes the GOP constantly falling all over themselves to not appear 'racist' in an effort to appease groups of people that will never vote for them anyway.
Bullet dodged. But I wouldn't have voted for her anyway because she doesn't know how to properly spell "you're", as in "you're racist AF." If you're going to slander someone, it is important that you do it correctly.
She's not wrong about the spinelessness of the GOP, however, she somehow forgets that the spinelessness also includes the GOP constantly falling all over themselves to not appear 'racist' in an effort to appease groups of people that will never vote for them anyway.
It just shows that the alleged Republican Gracia is actually a DemocRAT . Thankfully people in her district saw thru her.
Bullet dodged. But I wouldn't have voted for her anyway because she doesn't know how to properly spell "you're", as in "you're racist AF." If you're going to slander someone, it is important that you do it correctly.